More viral posters for the Total Recall reboot out this summer have surfaced and they are rather tempting. Take the jump for a good look.
The Len Wiseman directed film comes out August 3rd and stars Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston, John Cho and Bill Nighy.
Posters found through
Not a bad marketing idea. I like fictional universe merchandise, like this, the Wayne Casino poker chips and my Dunder-Mifflin coffee cup.
And if Rekall were real, I know exactly what I’d have them rig up for me: A fantasy where I’m on an adventure with The Doctor and a cute asian girl.
Witch Doctor?
Either Pertwee, Davison, Tennant or some sort of paradox where several of them are involved, such as the old “The (number) Doctors” specials, “Dimensions in Time” or “Time Crash”. Or go really old school with Hartnell.