Universal Pictures has announced it is very interested in the LEGO Hero Factory line. The studio likes the line so much that is is ready to make a Hero Factory movie.
Negotiations are going on right now to acquire the movie rights to the line that has a huge storyline and mythos surrounding it. Mark Gordon and Bryan Zuriff are set to produce if all the legal wrangling can be wrapped up, and the studio is in talks with Predators writers Michael Finch and Alex Litvak to pen a draft of the movie.
The toy line, which comprises about 55 sets, debuted in 2010 as a replacement to Lego’s Bionicle line. The Hero Factory line includes not only the toys but comics, a computer app and a theme park.
For those of you who are wondering, yes, Warner Bros. is making a LEGO movie based on the building blocks, Universal is only interested in the Hero Factory line.