Why is it that all the really big stories happen when we least expect it? Compared to a year ago, the publishers and related industries are really knocking it out of the park with big announcements on a weekly basis, and we’ve got a rundown of the bit stories from the past week, after the jump.
- The Governor for Season 3 of the Walking Dead has been found.
- William Fichtner steps up to the plate for an exiting Dwight Yoakam to play the big bad in The Lone Ranger
- The first sneak peek of the Star Trek villain in action appears online.
- Marvel teases the heck out of the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man arc
- Darth Maul returns to the Star Wars universe? But I thought he was cut in half…
- Morgan Spurlock’s Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan’s Hope debuted its first trailer, and everyone seems to be happy… for now…
- Thor and She-Hulk get the porn parody treatment… and many don’t seem pleased with the casting.
- Mark Waid talked all about going digital over a year ago. As Wonder Con approaches, he unveils his first digital comics project.
- Order of the Stick tops one million dollars raised in Kickstarter Campaign.
- And finally, Scott Kurtz creates some controversy over his take on convention sketches and the Gary Friedrich case.
That was the week in review, and looking back, there certainly were a lot of villains that made the headlines (We’ll let you decide who falls into that category).