Psylocke vs. Black Widow are the first to do battle in the upcoming Avengers vs. X-Men: Versus series.
AvX: VS will be written by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman, and Ed Brubaker, with art by John Romita, Jr.
Psylocke vs. Black Widow are the first to do battle in the upcoming Avengers vs. X-Men: Versus series.
AvX: VS will be written by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Matt Fraction, Jonathan Hickman, and Ed Brubaker, with art by John Romita, Jr.
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
I just do not get all the pub they are trying to generate for this. It’s not like it’s JLA/Avengers. The X-Men and Avengers mix it up like twice a year every year anyway.
I agree. Who cares? I can’t wait to see superheroes fighting to a draw and then joining forces to fight whatever was manipulating them…….again.
Who was the artist for this? Some serious after-market parts on The Back Widow!
It’s some type of chest armor. Cap wears it too
That’s a different kind of bad bolt-on. In this one we see that lefty pokes out further than righty. In the example above the two are much too far apart.
Though in both cases the artwork is pretty eh overall.
So… This issue is basically cleavage versus thong?