Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
Why does Caps armor/costume look like he got a flashback to the ’90s? I hope its just a bad image, and not a bad costume. I’m not trying to troll here and I hope the movie is as good as it should be.
I wouldn’t place the costume to a specific decade, but I’m also not very impressed by it. Even though the WWII costume was baggy, I think it had a nice appeal. The new one is too streamlined for my taste. It should have more of a high-tech armor feel (maybe some type of ceramic-weave look or something). I’m still looking forward to the movie, though, I hope that Whedon can deliver the goods.
Id also concur on Caps’ uniform concerns. Everything Ive seen about it so far, even when its not on him, screams discount halloween with plastic mask. The stills are even worse, its like someone is wearing adult superhero PJs that were preshrunk.
Are you guys overlooking the most awesome? Come on, that Bruce Banner poster is stellar!! Are you kiddin me? The way he’s nonchalantly removing those glasses totally gets you pumped up for the way it looks like he could be on the verge of solving an algebra equation or something….Bruce smash y variant!!
Dude is gonna go all Will Hunting on Loki’s ass! I’m finally lookin forward to this.*
*no animals were harmed in the writing of the sarcasm of these comments.
No Thor? This doth displease the odinson
No Thor? This doth displease the odinson
Aye, mine internet went batshit. Verily the odinson doth appear
made me lol (thank you)
Why does Caps armor/costume look like he got a flashback to the ’90s? I hope its just a bad image, and not a bad costume. I’m not trying to troll here and I hope the movie is as good as it should be.
I wouldn’t place the costume to a specific decade, but I’m also not very impressed by it. Even though the WWII costume was baggy, I think it had a nice appeal. The new one is too streamlined for my taste. It should have more of a high-tech armor feel (maybe some type of ceramic-weave look or something). I’m still looking forward to the movie, though, I hope that Whedon can deliver the goods.
Just wait til you see the Cap suit in action.
We always think the costumes look s#it on stills.
Im more worried about Ironmans hair – whats up with that?
Id also concur on Caps’ uniform concerns. Everything Ive seen about it so far, even when its not on him, screams discount halloween with plastic mask. The stills are even worse, its like someone is wearing adult superhero PJs that were preshrunk.
Thor’s armor looks the best, though I may be a bit bias because Thor was my favorite of the “Avengers” movies so far.
Are you guys overlooking the most awesome? Come on, that Bruce Banner poster is stellar!! Are you kiddin me? The way he’s nonchalantly removing those glasses totally gets you pumped up for the way it looks like he could be on the verge of solving an algebra equation or something….Bruce smash y variant!!
Dude is gonna go all Will Hunting on Loki’s ass! I’m finally lookin forward to this.*
*no animals were harmed in the writing of the sarcasm of these comments.