If you were wondering why there was so much secrecy and mumbled words whenever the next season of Doctor Who is mentioned around cast and crew, it may just be because there is a full length motion picture on the way.
According to Variety, Harry Potter director David Yates is teaming with the BBC to bring Doctor Who to the big screen. Writers are currently being sought, though one would think the company has access to some of the best Who writers out there in the form of Russell T. Davis and Steven Moffat.
The one thing that may frighten many Doctor Who fans is word from Yates that the movie will not follow the current TV series, but will be a “completely fresh approach to the material.”
Yes, go ahead and vent your rage now…
Well, it could just be a reboot of the Doctor’s first regeneration… or right after the Time War where he visits Earth for the first time to get a Human companion? That might be more agreeable than trying to push a movie into the current timeline that the TV show is going with.
What an excellent Idea. The beginning of the doctor. I remember the old Peter Cushing Movies: Doctor Who and the Daleks and Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150AD. Based on early Dr. who episodes. Not entirely canonical as the Dr. was just a crazy human inventor of a time machine, but enjoyable…and forgettable.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! and now i shall fervently pray that this movie is AWESOME! The story could show some of the Doctor and River’s unseen and mentioned stories, too.
” the movie will not follow the current TV series, but will be a “completely fresh approach to the material.”
doubt it
Why even make a movie if it’s not going to tie into the show? I can understand using it as a jumping-on point for the show, maybe even featuring the “new” Doctor, but to make something wholly separate? What would the point of that be?
Woohooo! W8, not in current continuity!? It could be a stand alone or reboot, thou it’s far too popular as is for them to reboot… right?
It could be a stand alone or reboot, thou it’s far too popular as is for them to reboot… right?
Nothing is too popular for them to not reboot.
I’ve had a theory for a while that there might actually be multiple versions of The Doctor in existance, from little things through the series (including the older stuff). It’s kinda hard to explain in such a limited space, but the basic idea is that sometime in his past he probably (unknowingly) caused divergent versions of himself due to things he’s done. Not quite parallel timelines, but not quite not (The closest thing I can think of is the people of Novus on Stargate Universe, or to a lesser degree Thomas Riker). So it’s entirely possible that it might not be a reboot, just a different point of view.
I vote for the Fourteen Doctors.
Kinda hoping for that for the Doctor Who 50th anniversery next year…
For the anniversary, I’m really hoping for a multi-doctor special as well.
Time War movie!
There are lies, damned lies, government statistics and Hollywood rumours. ;)
This has very strong I’ll believe when I see it factor. No real point in getting overly upset about something I don’t honestly expect to happen.
That said Doctor Who has a long history some of it even some of its resent history has been kinda crap. That doesn’t mean I don’t love the show but honestly how bad can it really be.
I’m pretty sure there’s already been a couple of doctor who movies back in the day (with Peter Cushing if i’m not mistaken).. They essentially just did re-makes of popular story arcs with a better budget and cast to try and create more interest from main-stream movie goers. Could be trying something similar again here?
Everyone seems to say this is a fresh approach or a reboot. Er…Isn’t that what the Doctor does with each regeneration? Whats so new about that? He’s been doing that for decades…
I was excited until I got to the reboot part. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just make a really good Matt Smith movie.
Why is everyone assuming “fresh approach” means “reboot”? Personally, I think they best way to do this is to make it technically canonical – but not actually reference the series so new viewers can still follow it…
In both the first and last episodes of the latest series – Matt Smith’s doctor left his companions behind and spent an undisclosed amount of time adventuring without them, before meeting up with them again for the events of the doctor’s “death” in the U.S. – and I believe the first episode implied that over 100 years had passed off screen in the doctor’s time-frame (even though it had only been a few months from Rory & Amy’s perspective).
Therefore you can tell almost any story you like with Matt Smith, without ever referencing the series – but still have it in continuity by saying it took place during this time.. And I suspect this is exactly why Moffat wrote that into the series!
Even if you don’t want to use Matt Smith; we’ve never seen what happened during the gap between Paul McGann’s doctor in 1999 and Christopher Ecclestone’s – And I don’t believe it’s ever been established how much time passed for the doctor.. For all we know the doctor went through multiple regenerations before becoming Eccleston, so again you can do almost anything and still claim its in cannon.
There was something I read on either a Doctor Who fan news site or on the DW Wiki several months back that said someone tried to write a comic set in the Time War and include the transition from 8th to 9th, but either BBC or the heads of DW said not to touch that area for the time being.
I doubt that this movie would be the reason, but a movie would be a perfect outlet to tell the story of the Time War (and do it properly with a big movie budget instead of the TV series budget).