DC’s Flashpoint event just concluded at the San Diego Comic Con, and here’s what we know…
- The final issue of Flashpoint will contain a double page spread showing how the DCU moves from the Flashpoint Universe to the DCnU.
- Wally West should appear in issue three of Kid Flash. More on Wally’s status will be announced at DC’s 52 panel. Of course we don’t know WHICH 52 panel as there is at least one scheduled for every day of the show. As dodgy as the panelists were during the multiple times people asked about Wally West – expect Flashpoint #5 to be a big, big, deal.
- Likewise, Jay Garrick will appear in Kid Flash #3 for those wondering.
- If you were wondering why Kid Flash is falling through the covers of Flashpoint, look for an upcoming Kid Flash #3 to explain it all.
- Something that has never been done with the Speed Force is going to surprise a lot of people.
- Will any of the Flashpoint characters appear in the New 52? According to the panelists (J.T. Krul, Dan Jeurgens, Sterling Gates, Joel Gomez. Bob Wayne) Characters like Batman (Thomas Wayne) and Aquaman don’t really fit, but maybe in the future…
- A fan suggested Flashpoint as an animated movie. The idea was not shot down, but the many reports I’ve seen seem to indicate it has already been taken into consideration.
Keep watching the site, and we’ll keep bringing you summaries of the panels as we have new information.
A Flashpoint movie? Given the body count of the current series (not even in its third month!), I imagine a Flashpoint movie would like a slasher film for the costumed set.
I am so sick of the Speed Force. I have been sick of it for years. I was happy when Barry Allen died and stayed dead for so long. Damn cant turning to dust mean something in comics?