If you liked Green Lantern, and you want to see more of the Corps in action, check out the Green Lantern: The Animated Series trailer that arrived on the Intardwebz today.
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Robot Overlord
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
I’d love a green lantern animated series but I can’t stand the awful CG animation. hopefully this isn’t the finished CGI.
First Flight and Emerald Knights were really good and looked great. This, sadly, does not.
Just curious if you were fans of Batman: TAS. Looks like a very similar style. The rest of the CG just look like backgrounds, which are generally pretty sparse in Dini-inspired DC animation.
looks cool.