The first trailer for the brand new Peanuts animated feature is now available.
Linus is pushed to his limits when he learns grandma is coming to visit and plans on ridding him of his childish security blanket. As grandma’s arrival looms closer the Peanuts gang tries to help Linus learn to cope without his fuzzy crutch. Lucy is particular eager to cure Linus’ dependency using her own psychiatric techniques, and while Charlie Brown tries to help he just doesn’t have the heart to see Linus suffer. All the while Snoopy is constantly agitating matters because he wants the blanket for himself. In the end, insightful Linus points out that everyone has their own type of “security blanket” and in life a little security is a valuable thing.
For those of us who grew up in the ’70s and the Peanuts animated reruns were major events, do you like the idea of new Peanuts content?
This trailer makes me feel warm and fuzzy (like a blanket). So yah… I’m in.
I know I’d be nothing without my fuzzy crotch, so yeah, I can feel linus’ pain.
Buy or Sell: I’m buying on this one. They didn’t do any major changes to the animation style and looks to be a good story, I’m in .
I object to the obvious drug legalization overtones.
As the voice of Lucy in the new movie, I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed making it.