Two new Game of Thrones trailers have been released from HBO. Those familiar with George R. R. Martin work are already interested in what it to come, and these trailers work well enough to get those of us who know nothing about the series to tune in.
One more (the sexy version), after the jump!
Game of Thrones premieres on HBO on April 17, 2011.
via HBO
I thought that first picture was an old Triple H “King of Kings” poster (not one of Jean Paul’s better gimmicks). Trailer does look interesting. I’m glad I finally have HBO on my sattilite system now (had basic for years).
Game of Thrones is excellent. I can’t wait to see the series.
Those who are looking for a book series to read should check it out. I hope the HBO series lives up to the source material.
A throne of swords. Looks like a Klingon toilet. Seems like it would be uncomfortable to squat on. Not only would there be chafing involved, but you’d cut your hand when flushing. Plus the TP is made of chain mail. Owch!
Well as usual I’m behind the times (but for reading Major Spoilers :n), but some of the other things HBO has done have been fantastic, such as True blood, Rome, & Carnivale. Add to that Sean ‘Boromir’ Bean and this sounds like a must have (the DVD – I don’t have cable…). The trailers are nice too, and in keeping with journalistic excellence (heh).
Can’t wait for this. Glad it’s a series on HBO vs. a movie that would be so chopped up that it would be almost unrecognizable.
Don’t really care for the look of the actor playing Jon, though. Glad they left his story arc in, though. Bean is also a little off putting as Eddard. Keep seeing Boromir, who was a very different kind of character. I’m sure he can pull it off, though. Tyrion looks awesome though. They seem to have he and Petry nailed, which will go along way toward making the series.
I am curious how the incest plotline will go over. And how HBO will keep people interested in a series that probably won’t last long enough to have any sort of resolution or payoff for what they’re setting up in this first season.
That is making me consider NOT dropping cable, but I still don’t think its worth it.
Excellent book series. By far my favorite books. Stephen, if you liked deadwood I think you will enjoy this story too. The whole series are completely character driven. You should give the books a try.