Marvel released a sneak peek of Secret Avengers #11, that you can check out, after the jump!
Written by ED BRUBAKER
Pencils by WILL CONRAD
How was America’s first super-soldier, John Steele, turned into an enemy agent of the Shadow Council? Steve Rogers and the Prince of Orphans are on the trail of their missing ally through the rubble of war torn Berlin and what they find there could break the Secret Avengers apart! Discover a classified chapter of Marvel history too dangerous for the textbooks this March, only in Secret Avengers #11!
Secret Avengers #11 arrives March 30, 2011, and features a $3.99 cover price.
Awesome artwork. I’d almost hope that one day Marvel will run a series of Steve Roger’s “unrecorded” WWII activities outside of the Invaders.
The 1st Invaders ( Roy Thomas) were excellent. So I would like to pick and choose what to throw out.
Let’s see – you got a bunch of over-muscled, super-powered yahoos prancing from one disaster to another wearing bright, colorful costumes. What the hell is SECRET about that?