You may have heard of The Viper, a college student dressed up as a hero patrolling the streets of Columbia, Tennessee, promoting community involvment in preventing crime. Problem is, he isn’t supposed to wear a mask (it’s illegal in Columbia).
Seems more and more people are dressing up and patrolling their neighborhoods. Do you have a masked crime fighter in your city?
That Damned Registration Act!!!
No, I don’t wear a mask. And, having been in public safety for over 25 years I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Police Officers tend to be kind of wary of folks dressed up in dark clothes with masks running around in the dark. Plus, most of the real criminals these days carry some pretty substantial firepower with them and I have yet to see “invunerability” or rapid healing factor on these folk’s power sets.
Seriously, masks being illegal (other than minor children at Halloween) is common in Southern US states where the laws were originally passed in the early part of the century in order to combat the Ku Klux Klan.
Hey, I can’t even go up to the drive through of a bank with a hoodie on or even sunglasses, so a mask is definitely out of the question. He must stick to ATM’s.
We don’t have anyone in a costume… Anymore. I used to run around in an “almost costume” just for fun. Then when I was older I used to wander around town in my long coat and pretend I was patrolling like Buffy (except without stakes and I didn’t have a cute redhead witch sidekick).
Does it count if I walked drunk girls home from parties (so they wouldn’t pass out in the middle of the street or try to drive)?