The official trailer appeared at the San Diego Comic Con and versions have appeared around the Intardwebz but now it’s officially available for all to see.
As the trailer indicates, there are some changes from the source material, but I’ll still be sitting in front of my television when the series arrives in October.
seen this already somewhere.. finally something good on tv.
Premiers on Halloween I heard..That is awesome.
Can’t freaking wait.
um, didn’t they just blatantly rip off a part of 28 days later? That waking in the hospital to a dead world smells ridiculously similar.
It is… we even talked about it, when we reviewed the first volume of The Walking Dead on the Major Spoilers Podcast.
All readers of the books are very aware of the blatant similiarities. It really is the most minor foible in story telling when set against the perspective of the series as a whole. It’s well worth reading.
A zombie genre I can watch every week? Awesome!
Just wow!
I’m definitely going to watch this, but am I the only one who thinks it looks like a fan film? The beginning of the trailer just looks kind of simple to me.
I thought the same thing, the end looks better, but the beginning looked like a really old cheaply made television show, I was just waiting for Eric Estrada to fall in line behind the other cops who were chasing behind the runaway Judge.
Wha…what? Ripping off 28 days later?? Didn’t the main character in Day of the Triffids wake up in a hospital to find the world changed?
Anyway very excited and good clicky trailers posted on the site today :-)
You have a point there. Although in all fairness, Masen from Triffids did not wake to find the world empty, he woke to find it blind. What we have here is something that gets suit-wearing folks in a litigious mood. It also just seems uber-blatant.
I can’t wait! Also’ very much like deadworld…. a much beloved 80″S indy comic, only King Zombie could talk in it.