Marvel Comics sent over this teaser image for the Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita, Jr. Avengers series, that teases some mega action.
Avengers #4 arrives August 25, 2010, for a mere $3.99.
Marvel Comics sent over this teaser image for the Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita, Jr. Avengers series, that teases some mega action.
Avengers #4 arrives August 25, 2010, for a mere $3.99.
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
As much as I like some fighty-fighty this reminds me of Normandy from Saving Private Ryan…
Wolverine just chillin in the corner, havin a bud
Poor Hank Pym. This time Giant Man’s on the ground impaled from head to toe.
Enough of this Wasp/Avengers Academy Director stuff. Since there’s a new Ant Man in the Avengers it’s time to put Pym back into the identity that he kicked-ass best as…Goliath.
As for the art…Picture make TaZ head hurt.
I keep thinking, “imagine if a GOOD artist had done this!”
samesies! that doestn look too good….
DO NOT HATE ON JR JR. That is all.
I won’t hate on his work on Spider-Man, but this run on Avengers is dreadful
Man, it’s just STRANGE to see people trashing JRJR. Really, I just didn’t think AMAZING ARTWORK such as that could ever be hated on. Ah, well…
Score one, internet.
I’d be tempted to buy this issue if I wasn’t so certain it would be complete crap. Honestly we wait 6 years for the Avengers to “return” only to have their flagship series suck. Wasn’t that the reason they had Bendis do Disassembled in the first place?!
Man. This series has done nothing but make me worry about where it is heading, and this image seems to confirm my fears. Looks like a bunch of convoluted, unintelligible junk.
What they don’t tell you is that this is actually the entire comic and they are just going to throw in random thought and speech balloons with quippy comments.
Can Marvel come up with something else original instead of rehasing Ultron over and over and over and over and over and over?
Both companies do the same thing over and over. That’s why it’s typically a rogues gallery, I do agree that Ultron seems to show up ever 6-8 months anymore, but whether it’s Ultron, Lex, Darkseid, Joker, and on and on they recur so often it’s a little maddening. It’s their arch-enemies though, that’s kinda what they do. I would like to see some more characters like the Grey Gargoyle and other people that you wouldn’t normally think of as well.
I have wanted to buy the last three issues of this Avengers relaunch to keep myself up to date on Jessica Drew, but every time I try to muster up the courage to buy the issues I look at the cover. Then I think “It is kind of interesting looking, I can live with this art.” Then I flip through the pages to get a feel for what I am about to buy and I see the god awful art inside. Then I immediately put it down and find something better.
If they are going to charge me 2010 prices they could at least give me art that doesn’t look like it was meant for newsprint. The art looks like a bad 1970’s comic, and I expect more from JR JR and an Avengers comic in general. They better switch artists soon and knock some sense into Bendis’s story so that they don’t cripple one of their cash cows.
Yep, this seals it: I’m off the Avengers bandwagon.
I hopped on during Disassembled. I’ve stayed on throughout. Heck, I even enjoyed a lot of Bendis’ work during that run, and even up through much of the New/Mighty stuff.
But, I just can’t stand to look at it anymore. JR Jr’s art is downright horrid. I don’t care how big of a JR JR fanboy you are, there’s no defense for that jarbled, unintelligible mess they’ve put on display here. There’s no defense for his “women” with knifeblade chins and cheekbones. There’s just no defense.
And there is NO way I’m paying $3.99 to read a comic book where I can’t stand to look at the art.
When it comes to art, you likes what you likes. While you can argue with someone that their opinion is wrong, it is only your opinion that the other person is wrong. Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and based on your above statement, Picasso, van Gogh, Gauguin and others would be considered hacks to you, their paintings not worth the canvas they are painted on. Yet people are willing to pay a heck of a lot more than $3.99 for a van Gogh. So, while you may not like Romita, Jr.’s work, there are others that think it is the bee’s knees. But your mileage, and your opinion will vary, which is perfectly fine, too.
And if you want to send a message to publishers, writers, and creators that you don’t like their work, the best way to do it is with your wallet, and it sounds like JacinB has decided to do just that.
To be fair, Van Gough and I believe Picasso as well, WERE considered hacks. There is also a slight difference between art for pure aesthetics and art to complement other symbolic communication (ie words). I get your point though.
It seems though, that the problem isn’t with JR JR himself, but the fact that the art detracts from its jobs of conveying the story being told.
In a weird way, I actually kinda liked the art and I disliked it at the same time. I’ve always been a fan of a lot of characters showing up in my titles and lots of action, I always felt like I was getting my money’s worth as a kid with almost no money to my name. Also one of the reasons I have a lot of crappy comics in my collection that I still love (so not so crappy really) because they were 25 cent comics. But yeah, the downside is that I can really only look at Ultron here, focusing on the rest does kinda hurt my eyes. It’s strange too, because I love when George Perez does this kind of thing. I think it’s because I can usually definitely tell who the characters are (if I knew them to begin with) when Perez is drawing.