This episode: Well, if you ate Monkey Lizards, what would you do with it? The question is answered as the heroes continue their journey across the lunar landscape.
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I love Critical Hit’s “One Year Later” storyline, mainly for the fact that the party has a robot on the team! I just hope he makes it, Coil’s survived alone for a thousand years in hostile territory, but I’m not sure he’ll survive hanging with the Torqletons for a couple of days…
Small observation. My favorite player, Matthew asked if “Rollin'” was a Kid Rock reference. I think he might have been thinking of when Taker came out to Limp Bizkit’s song “Rollin” but was known as the ” American Badass”, a song by Kid Rock. Thanks for the show, guys.
Thnaks for a great year of podcasts. Please consider a “Greatest References” episode for the avid listener to recall all of those great references….
“Guys……don’t say gook.”
Thanks guys, another great podcast.
In regards to your conversation about playing remotely with other people, I’m actually in a group that does that. There are six players and the DM. The only people that are physically in the same place are my husband and me and another couple that plays together. We use Skype for the voice portion and we use Maptools (located at to play. Our DM builds the dungeons and even the RP settings in map tools. We use a token creator to create our tokens. Everything works out well and we usually have a great time. Of course it’s really hard to get seven people on the same schedule so if we have one person out, we run anyway and stuff the extra person in the bag of holding. If two or three people are out, we run an LFR campaign. And if more than that, we don’t run. Plus it hurts that only one of us has experience DMing so if the DM isn’t there, no game at all. I’m thinking of trying my hand at it even though I’m a relatively new D&D player.
Anyway, great show again. I loved it :)
I have a shudder of foreboding that we’re either going to cut back to the exelarchy or there will be a series of DMing podcasts. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy those but I’m really enjoying the story and don’t want a break in between the action.
Hey guys, love the podcast. I’m having some trouble finding the images I hear about. Where can I see the pictures Stephen takes each turn?
Umm. For my japanese homework they have asked us all to describe imaginary beings. Inspired by Stephen’s having a go at saying tsukebe the other week i decided to have a go at making up a description of the Eladrin. However I am not a subscriber to the books. So far wikipedia seems confused. Closely akin to the elves, indeed. I have arrogant as a given and must regularly be protected from death, but could anyone post a few sentences on how they see the eladrin, having played one or c. ?