Marvel is really putting a lot on the line with their claims that Daredevil is the greatest villain the Marvel Universe has ever seen. Who knows, they could be right when Shadowland arrives in July.
Is Marvel right, or is there someone else who is the greatest villain in the Marvel Universe?
With all of the awesome villians in the Marvel U, a blind man with bat senses and a good acrobatics check is their ultimate? Meh…
If the old adage “no one can hurt you as badly as those close to you” maybe Marvel has a point. It’s not about power, per se, but rather who can inflict the most devastation… They may have a good argument in an otherwise immeasurable “contest”.
I know Murdock has been leading The Hand but has he actually shown any inclination to doing “villainous” deeds? I haven’t really been following Daredevil but isn’t Fisk coming back (Considering The Hood is out) Could he be the one? Though in my mind Fisk is a bit overrated he’s the Twoface of Marvel… What do I know I’m certain Daken is going to bring WWIII. In any case DD as a villain does sound kinda nifty.
DD hasn’t done evil things but he has had the Hand fight crooked cops with (I think) deadly force. I would guess that Marvel will be going for the angle of DD wants to do things his own way, thinking that he’s right, and will fight whoever is necessary to do it. There’s already been mention that he will have a run-in with Luke Cage. It could be an interesting direction but Norman Osborn as biggest villian in MU didn’t really work out to be that compelling – so I hope they don’t screw this up.
That story seems oddly familiar. Will heroes face off into two camps: one with DD and one with…I don’t know…Spiderman?
I expect Frank Castle to support DD and nobody else.
No one beats Thanos as the best villian. Nobody.
What is an Thanos?
It’s similar to An Hero but not quite.
So he’s an villain then? coolface.jpg
Some dude in a helicopter.
Is that Hellcat as well? What issue is that from as well lol?
Is that Hellcat as well? What issue is that from as well lol?
It’s from an old Spidey Super-Stories, around number 30ish, is memory serves.
I wonder if the Spidey Super-Stories are considered continuity since they were done with The Electric Company?
Also did you ever read the What If…? issue where Spider-Man defeats the Mad Thinker using philosophy? It was brilliant.
I wonder if the Spidey Super-Stories are considered continuity since they were done with The Electric Company?
There’s no way that most of them can be… That Thanos issue ended with Thanos getting cuffed and taken away by the cops.
LOL wow that sounds positively Marvelous. I need to find this issue and read it post haste.
Everyone else has been doing the hero turned villain thing. It’s about time marvel go into the act. And DD always did walk that edge pretty close. Seems like a natural progression. I’m always interested in how they return to status quo afterward.
Man, I love Matt Murdock… It’s going to be hard to dig this if he just loses it. I hope there is some interesting angle here.
Yeah, I love Thanos, too. My fave of all the Marvel villains. Now this big, bad Daredevil is gonna have to do some nasty stuff to top Bullseye in Punisher Max. Not sure I wanna read about that…