If this really is a teaser trailer for a new upcoming Mortal Kombat movie, then sign me the hell up right now!
Check out the stars making appearances – Michael Jai White, Jerri Ryan? My guess this is something for E3 and the upcoming MK game that features a really hard Mature rating. But if this is a movie tease, then once again – SIGN ME THE HELL UP!
this is a great teaser. dont even know what its selling yet but i know i want it.
I’m in
I thought it had to be a hoax until I saw Jeri Ryan! Still, the cut of Sub-Zero’s face is definitely from the video game, so it’s up in the air. I’d see it, for all the cheesy glory.
I’de see it, heck if it’s on PS3 I’de likely buy one just to hear those 2 beautiful words again: “Finish him!”
kneejerk prediction: This will stink
All in for me. Don’t care what it is … I just want it!!!
I’m confused, yet amazingly interested. If only to see what they’re going to do different.
I have a tiny complaint: Johnny Cage dies without doing the splits-punch to anybody!!! :( J-Cage was, on occasion, my favorite part of the “originals”. Despite that, this looks pretty OMAIGAWD^.^!
If this is a reboot of the Mortal Kombat movie, then I’ll for it. Hell, this is a pretty good teaser despite it looking like a high quality proof-of-concept trailer.
I’m just loving that the made it less game-movie and put more gore back in, as if they finally learned something from the SAW franchise…
Confused by the [hddv] film grade and production values. The whole thing comes off as more of a cutscene in a game than a feature film. Possibly a TV series? I know the hype is for a motion picture to relaunch the franchise but the whole thing played more like an episode of CSI: Miami.
if this is a new movie I am there
I’m down no matter what it is game, movie, or series.
I can see the underlying crap that this movie will surely be. The fighting is good but trying to shoe horn characters into the movie the way they’re doing isn’t winning it any favor points for me. I’ll stick to the first movie but probably see this anyway.
I like the trailer but i am annoyed at the lack of supernatural elements and cage dying so soon. Hopefully its a trick and he’ll show up in the tournment.
Jeri Ryan revealed on twitter that it is part of a pitch by Kevin Tancharoen for a reboot of the Mk movie franchise