Strange things are afoot at the Stately Spoiler Manor, and it just might explain why the website was down for the better part of three days.
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So glad to have you back. :-) That was quick too.
It’s like… someone pushed the power button on the Matrix… and then it just rebooted today.
“eXistenZ is PAUSED!”
That is sooo obscure.
Not really, loved the fish bone gun that fired teeth from a partial.
I forget, I am among nerds ;)
“Our name is legion for we are many”
You never know how much you miss something until it is gone, I am glad to see the sight up and running once again.
I can say for a fact that the downtime started between 1am and 8am, since that is when I was checking the site.
Poor Stephen. I hope everything gets easier for him.
Good luck getting everything back. Any ETA on the forum?
Welcome back, Major Spoilers Crew. :)
Ny theories of what went wrong. Frederic Wertham ‘cos bati-porn it’s worng in a children site, an act of vengance from tuesday, the RIIA just becuase, 5th dimension matt and steph, cricket. Man you got a lot of enemies.
Anyhow, it’s good to have you back
It’s alive! ALIVE!!!
Thank god I remember the Twiter feed, I don’t know how I would have made it without my Critical Hit/Podcast fix this weekend.
P.S.- I blame Matthew (or possibly Brian’s dice), why you ask? Stephen can do no wrong and I doubt he lets Rodrigo leave his basement long enough to cause any mischief, so it has to be Matthew.
I thought I had found you guys just to lose you so quickly. Got a little worried their when it started redirecting me.