Ye Olde Gentlemen of the Major Spoilers Podcast are embarking upon the classic tale of The Batman set during the Victorian era. Put on your best Steampunk costume and join the trio in this week’s discussion.
It is 1889. Bruce Wayne returns from a visit to Europe back to Gotham, as does his old family friend Jacob Packer. Shortly after arriving, Bruce takes up the mantle of Batman, fighting off criminals on the street, using his friend Lieutenant Gordon’s knowledge of criminal gangs currently operating to know when to strike. Gordon also shows Bruce the case of a man who killed his wife with poison, he then tried to kill himself with the poison but left him alive with a permanent grin. At the same time it appears that Jack the Ripper has come to Gotham city, as a murder in Gotham seems to resemble the Ripper murders. After Wayne Manor is searched, a bloody knife is found under Bruce’s bed and Bruce is convicted of being the Ripper and sentenced to be hanged for his crimes.
Or will he?
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Here’s your chance to be heard on the show! Give us your thoughts on this trade paperback, or if you want to share your thoughts on the state of the comic book industry, or anything else that might be on your mind drop us a line. Only the most awesome comments (good or bad) make it on the show, so get your stuff to us right away!
Batman sucks. Let’s review something cooler like Wolverine. After all Wolverine is cooler than Batman. ;p
Just Kidding. ^_^
I remember reading this. The surprise ending was awesome.
I remember somehow getting this for free from my local comic store. Maybe in one of those “grab-bag” bundles for like 5 bucks.