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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
So they’re ending New Avengers…just to reboot it two months later? In any event, I am still glad to see my man Cage in the Avengers. I have a feeling that Jessica Jones will be sporting some jewel action as well…
Sooooo… change and they are cancelling the Avengers title I actually like (Mighty)?
So…..Cage is going to be in New Avengers and leading the Thunderbolts?
I’m with Mijder, help me here… The new titles are “The Avengers”, “The New Avengers” and “The Secret Avengers” (and the “Pet Avengers?”). I’m also not sure how a second team can be the “New” Avengers since that group’s been around since the onset of the Civil War arc. I was thinking that that group would form a new Thunderbolts group.
Regardless, I agree that it’s good to see the most bad-a$$ of the Avengers and (IMO) the best leader other than Steve Rogers is still involved. I’ve really enjoyed Cage since, as far as “powers”, he’s no frill. No fancy costume, no gizmos, no special equipment, no training by super-nijas in another dimension. He’s a street tough with super-strength, steel-hard skin, a bad attitude and more guts than a slaughterhouse. Personally, before they started focusing on Bucky I was hoping that Cage was going to be the next Captain America but I’m glad he wasn’t. He’s simply Luke Cage and he’s “going to knock your head off.”
Here’ a different take on those attributes that endear Luke Cage to many (no fancy costume, no gizmos, no special equipment, etc.): Building on that theme, he’s the one “street tough” with a “bad attitude” on the team… the one with “no gizmos and no special equipment†(because unconsciously we understand that he’s too dumb to operate or invent such). He’s even bald-headed, which goes nicely with what we expect. Yes, Marvel, we get it: Cage is a baaaaad mofo from da ‘hood.
In recent years, when some writers add some depth, I have been almost sympathetic to the character. I enjoyed him most early in Hudlin’s Black Panther, because other characters presented a balanced alternative right there on the page. But despite any evolution of the character imbued by some writers, his “defining†characteristics are pretty much summed up, predictably, in this image:
He’s bare-chested and brutish,looking fresh outta prison, while everyone else in this campaign is drawn as “heroicâ€.
Yes, Marvel, we get it he’s a baaaaad mofo from da ‘hood … with a baby momma to “keep it realâ€. Thanks, otherwise we might have gotten him confused with, y’know, a regular superhero surrounded by balanced alternatives.
Just my two cents.
well Wolverine can be on the X-Men, X-Force and the Avengers.
Oooh, I hope this means the New Avengers go around without shirts. SHE-HULK! SHE-HULK! SHE-HULK!!!
So much for just having one Avengers title…
Which will be next: “Space Avengers”, “Avengers : Editor’s Choice”, “Shogun Avengers” or “Baby Avengers” ;D
I can’t help but feel that this picture is a bit beef-cakey.
And that’s a bad thing why?