For those who were hoping that BBC America would get the brand new Doctor Who series just days after airing on British TV, are going to have to wait a while longer, as BBC America has announced Matt Smith’s first episode will air on April 17, 2010 – two weeks after our friends across the pond.
Travelling both through time and space, the new series has the mysterious Doctor and Amy Pond together exploring sixteenth century Venice, France during the 1890s and the United Kingdom in the far future, now an entire nation floating in space. The first three episodes of the 13-episode series have been confirmed as The Eleventh Hour, written by Steven Moffat, The Beast Below, also by Moffat and Victory of the Daleks by Mark Gatiss.
If you can’t wait two weeks, there’s always YouTube which featured Waters of Mars the day after it aired in the U.K. So, circle your calendars for April 4th?
Better weeks, than months!
Aha! Can I take official spot as Doctor Who reviewer? I can do freelance!
Check out the forums… I think someone has you beat already…
Aha! Can I take official spot as Doctor Who reviewer? I can do freelance!
Emphasis on “free…”
eh I can wait! just fill my time with Classic Who!