Each week, on the Major Spoilers Podcast, we take an in-depth look at a trade paperback, giving away all the details of the title selected, and ultimately telling you the listener if you should buy it, check it out from the library, or forget it completely.
Here’s yet another chance for you to be involved in the Major Spoilers experience by voting on one of the following trades we’ll be reading next.
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I wish I had a wall of awesomeness like that. My TPB’s only take up a couple shelves.
Dark Phoenix, ‘cuz I want Matthew to have a stroke reading about Marvel’s pseudo Legion and Steven’s head to explode trying to keep all the names/storylines of the X-Men together.
As much as people like to think I don’t read any Marvel books, I first read Dark Phoenix about 15 years ago, and read it again a couple times after that. :P
Really? But I thought the site was clearly biased against Marvel : p
P.S.- A cyber cookie to anyone who gets joke above.
Dark Phoenix, ‘cuz I want Matthew to have a stroke reading about Marvel’s pseudo Legion and Steven’s head to explode trying to keep all the names/storylines of the X-Men together.
Actually, Dark Phoenix was another of my recommendations. :)
come on people, be adventurous a little. take something else than a DC or Marvel book for once.
We can’t. We have a whole load of stories we want to hear them comment about and will never be satisfied until they do.
Oh snap! Batman up by 4 or 5 votes.
If you do happen to review X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga, I hope you are able to discuss Jim Shooter’s last minute change to the story (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Phoenix_Saga#Editorial_controversy) and whether or not, Shooter made the right call.
Yes. This!
planetary? someone?
Thank you so much, Major Spoilers, for using my idea :)
You guys should really review Chew vol. 1, it was a really awesome and different comic.
I voted Xmen because I like it when the guys go old school…
I voted Gotham By Gaslight as I am interested in picking it up soon.