If you thought the controversy over the Tea Party and Captain America was silly, wait for the hilarity to ensue when a certain group goes ape-crazy over the upcoming release from Boom! Town called “Repuglicans”.
If you’re a card-carrying Republican, stop reading now. If not, you must get this book. Pete Von Sholly and Steve Tatham bring you a completely unfair and not balanced take on Republican Party leaders and apparatchiks. Sarah Palin, John McCain, Glenn Beck and others all unveiled as vampires, freaks, and zombies. These guys put the UGLI in REPUGLICANS.
“This book shows the true face of the right, and it’s not pretty.†says Pete Von Sholly.
“You’ll cringe when you see these creatures of the right!” says Steve Tatham
Oh boy, I can see the conservative media exploding in outrage over this one.
So now we have to see ignorant political ramblings in comic books. What a waste of time paper and peoples money.
Welcome to the 1600s .. its not a new thing and both conservative, liberal, libertarian and marxist do it..Cause writing is fun and drawing is fun.
Other than your podcast, I hadn’t heard of any discussion regarding Captain America and the teabaggers…what did I miss?
American politics and fiction collide.
Stephen, Your own bias is showing. It was an attack on the Tea Party. Only a left leaning person would call them Tea Baggers. The Marvel mention did not even do that.
The Captain America protester are fictional…So they cant be Tea-party..iers?
The “teabaggers” thing is a reference to a sign one of the protesters was carrying in the comic(and real life)…Teabag the liberals before they teabag you….
My bias? Are you sure? Notice image in the article link, my friend.
If you are so concerned about my political affiliation, I’ll tell you up front, I’m a Libertarian.
By the way, I’m closing this discussion thread because it is obvious people want to talk about their own political views and not the comic in question. If you have a problem with that, you know where to send your email.
I’ve been reading comic for some time now. I’m just a little ticked that left-leaning politics motivates their stories. And if a conservative even had a decent comic.They’d be ganged up by these punks to try and discredit it and their writers.
This is what ruins discourse. This kinda speculation sets a bad mood. Be angry about the comic, criticize it. BUT don’t make stuff up about an industry you haven’t worked in.
Uh, you don’t have to work in the industry to notice the long-time Liberal bias over the years and the obvious jubilation when BHO won. I’m a Conservative, Asian-American minority, and have been collecting comics since 1984. Satire is one thing, demonizing and character assasination is another. When our young have been indoctrinated by Liberal Professors and succumbed to trivial over-rated peer pressure groups like sororities over the years since the 60s, its hard to undo all that damage. “Liberalism is a (very) dangerous Mental Disorder.”
They should call it DEMORATS and make it even. They deserve the majority of the blame for messing up this country. Can’t fathom why comic writers can’t see that.
And then it really gets political…dude take it somewhere else.
Woah it got hot in here fast..Blood pressure people, blood pressure..ALL OF YOU!
There are editorial political cartoons in existence today that do this weekly if not daily. And I agree that there is nothing adult with this BUT…
The people on the frontpage here ARE people that most Republicans find a bit wicky in the wacky woo! Which is probably why the title is Repuglicans…See they call themselves Republicans but really they are a bit too douchey to bear the name of the GOP….Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck…are Demagogs. And a totally legit target for satire..even if a type that isn’t necessarilly very broad.
Sadly, just bearing the party name is enough for most people to consider them to be “real” Republicans and thus undertaking some sacred political movement instead of having douchey theme protests. I know this because I LIVE WITH THEM! Lord knows once my folks leader & savior Glenn Beck catches wind of them, I’ll never hear the end of it.
And they wonder why I don’t vote.
Hokay…If you guys haven’t noticed..I have uh been commenting… And I have a plea lets try not to ruin the major spoilers experience and keep it civil in here.
So lets keep it:
Haha…. BUT Kinda immature really. I respect any spoilerite who might disagree with them so that I shall go to another website dedicated to political discourse if so inclined.
Haha…. Funny, I think those guys are kinda nutty…But respect any spoilerite who might agree with them so that I shall go to another website dedicated to political discourse if so inclined.
Just because its about politicians doesn’t mean it has to become something political.
Don’t ruin the site for me O__o
I can’t take this whole thing seriously and not because I believe one political side is better than the other but because they name Lou Dobbs as a Republican when he tries to be the voice of independants. He does it badly, but he’s no republican.