Press Release
IDW takes the COBRA story to the next level in the new G.I. JOE: COBRA II series, debuting in stores on January 27th. Under license by Hasbro, G.I. JOE: COBRA II continues the danger and suspense of the acclaimed G.I. JOE: COBRA series, as the G.I. JOE team penetrates the evil COBRA organization and eventually comes face to face with COBRA COMMANDER himself.
Following what called “an instant classic,” G.I. JOE: COBRA II offers the next step in the G.I. JOE team’s infiltration of COBRA, as they try to rescue CHUCKLES, one of their own sent in undercover.
“We’ve been building the COBRA organization up over the first year and a half of G.I. JOE stories and the COBRA book was a huge part of that,” said Andy Schmidt, IDW Publishing’s G.I. JOE editor. “We’re looking forward to revealing COBRA COMMANDER here first. But how and when he appears will surprise readers. His updated look may not be the only difference…”
With COBRA COMMANDER appearing later in the series, G.I. JOE: COBRA II is poised to dig deep into the COBRA mythos and reveal not just COBRA COMMANDER, but several other as-of-yet-unseen villians. The G.I. JOE team may have been kicked around by COBRA already, but they haven’t seen anything yet!
Writers Mike Costa and Christos N. Gage craft this exciting new series, skillfully building the suspense as the G.I. JOE team gets closer to COBRA COMMANDER. The masterful art of Antonio Fuso gives new layers to the subtle yet undeniable divide that fans have witnessed within COBRA, highlighted in the celebrated G.I. JOE: COBRA Special #1. Covers will be provided by both Fuso and the great Howard Chaykin.
Furthering the series that was named the third best graphic novel of the year by and the best single issue of the year by MTV Splash Page, G.I. JOE: COBRA II continues to blend succinct storytelling with innovative visuals. Raves, “If you’re looking for the latest smart, inventive reboot, the place to look . . . is G.I. JOE: COBRA.”
G.I JOE: COBRA II #1 ($3.99, 32 pages) debuts on January 27, 2010. Diamond order code: NOV09 0809.
Hmmm.. I haven’t read any of the new GI Joe stuff but have all the old Marvel books. I dig this look but would say I don’t think Cobra Commander needs any update. Both the hooded cowl and the mirrored mask are pretty much perfect in my opinion. Regardless, this is infinitely better than CC in the GI Joe movie.
Hey, isn’t that Steve Rogers from the last page of the New Avengers Annual?
Heh.. and I thought it looked like an angry Uncle Max from Ben 10.