At his blog, writer Kieron Gillen confirmed that the S.W.O.R.D. series from Marvel will be ending with issue 5.
The first five issues are a neat little arc, which will collect into an agreeably intense little trade. It was planned so if the worst did happen – and launching a new ongoing in the current market is an enormously risky business – that it would hold together and wouldn’t leave anything dangling. I haven’t changed a panel in 5, basically, and I’m pleased with where I leave the cast.
According to Bleeding Cool, Rich Johnston is already reporting of a campaign to keep the comic alive. While write in campaigns are nice, and have saved many a television show and comic book series in the past, the one sure way to keep a title going is to make sure you buy the title each month, instead of waiting for the trade, illegally downloading the issue, or not telling the person standing next to you in the comic book shop about it.
Is there still time to resurrect the title? Reflecting on the words of Gillen, maybe it would be better to bring S.W.O.R.D. back as a series of limited mini-series. Boom! Studios has done wonders with their four issues stories, and that idea, in the hands of the mighty Marvel, could make this a possibility.
So, Dear Readers (also known far and wide across the land as the Legion of Major Spoilerites), would you rather have an ongoing series, or would you prefer to see some of your favorite titles retooled as recurring limited mini-series?
As much as I really like S.W.O.R.D, I’d rather see a series of mini-series or it become a backup strip (I’ve seen Spider-Woman Agent of Sword suggested as a home for a backup) to see if there is enough interest for an on-going.
I have stopped collecting so I don’t care.
This is not an attempt to start a fight or anything, seriously. But, like, if you quit collecting and “don’t care”, why’d you even waste your time typing this for all the internets to read?
I wouldn’t mind that for a couple series. I’d like to see Captain Britain and MI13, runaways come back as a limited
I’ve always been a proponent of having mini-series instead of ongoing for some of these more niche titles. But I agree that this one may work better as a back up in something like Spider-Woman, if Spider-Woman survives. Maybe even a digital exclusive book/story to promote the digital comics.
The best solution would be an on-going anthology series, much like Marvel Comics Presents or the DC Showcase, where the characters and teams unable to support an on-going could still have a stage.
In Blackest Night it appears Geoff Johns has an affinity for Mera. Could a Mera even written by Johns support an ongoing title? Probably not, but an anthology appearance could be a place to do some market research.
Too bad the direct market doesn’t seem able or willing to support an anthology title.