DC has announced that writers Keith Giffen and Judd Winick are teaming to write a new Justice League series that features Captain Atom, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Fire, Ice, and Rocket Red? Looks like Justice League International is back to me.   Justice League: Generation Lost will be the other bi-weekly series that will run alongside the Brightest Day bi-weekly that was announced yesterday.
DC is keeping quiet (for the moment) on who is doing the art for the series, but we do know Tony Harris and J.D. Mettler will be providing the cover art for the series. I find the Blue Beetle inclusion in this list interesting, because as far as we know the Ted Kord Blue Beetle is still dead, and unless something interesting happens at the end of Darkest Night, that leaves Jamie Reyes as the next member in. Interestingly, Matt Sturges did comment to us that Blue Beetle will still be around following his co-feature run in Booster Gold. Although, when pushed for more clarification, all Sturges said, was “Wait and see…”
To flip it to Ted Kord’s favor, there is a shadowed figure in the middle of the picture that looks familiar. Color me excited? You bet!
The 26-issue series should begin in April… or May. Winick and Giffen were not specific in the launch date.
I know it’ll be good, and I’m going to be getting it. But it does irratate me to an extent about how there’s all this talk of “Legacies” but yet we’re taking steps back to characters that were before, and not moving foward.
Just a minor complaint, I’m confident the stories will be good and that does count, but it kinda irks me that we’re continuing to move back. I mean Jaime has done pretty good in trying to learn from Ted’s example in being a hero. Having him come back kinda undermines that IMO.
So DiDio doesn’t hate the JLI after all — unless Giffen kills them all off, Karate-Kid style….
I wasn’t collecting comics during the JLI years, so this will be new to me — Giffen is hit-or-miss with me, but maybe that’s more his artwork (the art in 5YL is just… unpleasant to look at!) than his storytelling….
On the one hand, Giffen! Yay! This just might be awesome.
On the other hand, Winnick! Um… This just might be stupidly preachy.
Maybe it will be Bart Sears of art chores. Anyone? Anyone? Oh, okay then.
Well as for my favorite era, I was really excited to here of this, but Winick dashes all my hopes that this will be good.
I guess Winick will be DD’s hachet man.
Loved the facial expressions!
Ice: “What is Tom Hanks doing in Booster’s costume?”
Fire: “Meh, looks better if you ask me. I mean, I think he does, since Nat’s radiation thing apparently vaporized my eyeballs”.
Captain Atom: “Yo, Dr. Manhattan? Mine is ‘this’ big. And chromed. So f.you, copycat.”
JLI was what really got me into comics in the first place. If they can manage to capture the fun and humor of that series, I’m on board.
The Generation Lost subtitle implies that the title may be set in the past, during the time of the JLI, and that therefore the deceased status of BB may be irrelevant. Maybe?
Kinda hate the art on that cover.
Winick and Giffen? I hear that Stephen King and Nicolas Sparks will be also collaborating on a book.
I wish I had something relevant or insightful to say, but…. I don’t. The fanboy in me is too busy screaming “YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!OMIGAWDYESSS!!” for my logical brain to do anything productive. I cannot believe it. Birds of Prey returning _AND_ a “spotlight” title on the JL-BwA????? I think I’m dead and in my own private geek heaven. That’s the only possible explanation for this. I’m just sorry that y’all are dead too, and stuck in my heaven besides. ;)