Press Release
They tried to stop us! We’ve been shot, strangled and stabbed! They drowned us, decapitated us, they even burned our bones and salted the ground, and still we came back for more!
Comic book fiends and monster maniacs, part two of the crossover between cult favorite web comic Halloween Man and Tim Seeley’s smash hit Hack/Slash is finally here, bringing you triple the recommended dose of:
BLOOD! Oh yes! There’s blood alright! We’ve got smackdown after smackdown!
DEATH! You want death? Mister, we’ve got death coming out of our ears!
HOT SEXY DAMES! Hello? Cassie Hack’s a Suicide Girl, and Lucy Chaplin is a genius super-scientist with the body of a pin-up! You’d better believe we’ve got hot sexy dames!
GIANT TENTACLED DEMON GOD MONSTER THINGS! Yes, if that’s the sort of thing you like (and we’re not judging you) then we’ve even got one of those!
It’s produced by this dangerous squadron of reprobates, maniacs, ne’er-do-wells and amateur ecdysiasts:
Drew Edwards (Writer)
David Baldeón (Penciller)
Scott D.M. Simmons (Inker)
Marc Lewis (Colorist)
Brian J. Crowley (Art Direction and Letters)
Russell Hillman (Editor)
Just like part one, it will be available to read online or download as a .pdf at from this Saturday, 31st October – y’know, Halloween?
To get you in the mood, here’s some outstandingly outlandish preview pages to whet your appetite and satiate your bloodlust just a little bit. If you like those, why not get a head start on your fellow freaks and fanboys – hit your local comic book store or and buy all of DDP’s wonderful Hack/Slash collections, visit for classic tales of Halloween Man and finally, groove on over to to buy Halloween Man – Superdeformed, featuring art by Nicola (Birds of Prey, Secret Six) Scott, Benjamin (Dead@17: Protectorate) Hall and David (Nomad: Girl Without A World, Blue Beetle, Hackoween) Baldeón.