Marvel has announced the full guest list for MarvelFest NYC 2009 taking place today, in Union Square, at 6:00 PM EDT.
Joining already announced superstar creators Neal Adams (Uncanny X-Men, Astonishing X-Men Motion Comic Director), Chris Claremont (Uncanny X-Men, X-Men Forever), and Dan Slott (Amazing Spider-Man) are Frank Tieri (Wolverine), Paolo Rivera (Marvel Mythos), Jacob Chabot (X-Babies) and Reilly Brown (Cable & Deadpool)! Also, Marvel is pleased to announce Special Guest Scott Adsit from 30 Rock, making his MarvelFest debut as a guest judge for the MarvelFest Costume Contest.
MarvelFest is jam-packed with events! First, visit Forbidden Planet ( for an x-tra big autograph signing session with Adams, Claremont and Slott! Then, at 6pm, head over to Union Square for giveaways straight from the House of Ideas and the MarvelFest Costume Contest, in which contestants (18 years old and older) will have a chance to win a variety of prizes, including the grand prize of being featured in a Marvel comic book! All contestants will receive a limited-edition Nick Fury Hasbro action figure (while supplies last), an exclusive Vengeance of The Moon Knight #1 MarvelFest Variant comic book and a 1 month subscription to Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited just for participating in the costume contest!! Plus, get free sketches from Rivera, Chabot and Brown AND have your picture taken in front of a life-size comic book cover!
Finally, at 7pm, in celebration of the release of the Astonishing X-Men Motion Comic, based on the award winning story by superstars Joss Whedon (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) and John Cassaday (Captain America), the landmark first episode of Astonishing X-Men will be projected three stories high so that fans can experience the adventure like never before!
You’ve heard about it everywhere from TV Guide to MTV to USA Today – now experience the most groundbreaking comic book event of the year as MarvelFest takes over New York’s historic Union Square! And don’t miss the Astonishing X-Men Motion Comic, available on iTunes tomorrow!
For complete details and official costume contest rules regarding MarvelFest NYC 2009 please visit
Um…the Scarlet Spider seems to be a little “overly excited†down there
“A little” … ?
Emma is kinda hot.
Can somebody tell me where I’ve seen the female Nick Fury before? Trying to remember is killing me.