.annataZ gniklat sdrawkcab eht no krow pu-nip sih htiw yaD fo tnemoM noitaicerppA trA otni yaw sih sdnif vonajotS rednaxelA
Alexander Stojanov finds his way into today’s Art Appreciation Moment of Day with his pin-up work on the backwards talking Zatanna
.erutcip pu-nip a yletinifeD ?sboob eht tuoba syawla ti si yhW
.dab toN
Tsrif, I ma ytterp erus taht annataZ ylno skeeps reh snoitnacni sdrawkcab yb eht drow, ton yb eht ecnetnes. Dnoces, uoy togrof a “eht” neewteb “fo” dna “yaD” ni ruoy lanigiro noitcudortni fo siht eceip.
Rehtie yaw, eht tra si yrev ecin.
.sdrawkcab gnipyt ykcirt s`tI
I onnud. Sdrawkcab si sdrawkcab…
um, no fishnets?
The cropped pic looks like delicious cheesecake, but the full porn pose’s perspective hurts my eyes. Since she’s leaning forward I presume “!cigaM” is keeping her hat on? Scrolling everything below the waist/underboob/elbow line offscreen emphasises the general weirdness.
IANAA, better and prettier than I could manage, and no-one’s forcing me to keep looking obviously.
Mmm… Looks like Zee forgot her shirt today.