Superman and Spider-Man have each had their share of love interests over the years, but two have captured their hearts. This week, we toss Lois Lane and Mary Jane Watson into the ring and have them fight for the love and affection of their big beaus. Of course this would be pre-One More Day for Mary Jane and pre-New Krypton for Lois, but you get the idea…
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
This is ridiculous! Yes, MJ is hotter and younger, but this is a cat fight. Lois is an army girl, she’d mop the floor with MJ’s luxurious, silky red hair.
good point Adam
goes to show how little people know bout them. Either that or they’re just voting for the hottest
Yeah, MJ is younger and hotter, but as a girlfriend/wife? She was willing to leave her husband for a stupid reason. Yeah, I know, pre-OMD. But I don’t care. For that reason alone, I can’t support MJ. Besides, Lois was pretty hilarious back in the Golden and Silver Age whenever Superman was messing with her poor female mind.
Pre-OMD MJ was trained a little by Steve Rodgers. This was shown in The Other arc where she beat the crap out of an ordinary stalker. Also she’s a New York City girl. That fact alone should be enough to show she can beat Lois. ;)
@Stephen: if you wanted a fair fight you might have wanted to choose a better pic for Lois, just saying…
I actually dislike both of these women, MJ is usually bitching and moaning about every choice Peter makes, while dating every other guy friend/enemy Peter has, and Lois Lame there, who believes herself a reporter, never figured out that Clark Kent is Superman with glasses.
In a straight forward fight Lois, in looks MJ, but Lois wins in my opinion simply because she is far less annoying then MJ
i chose MJ because she is hotter, but to be honest, i really don’t care either way.
Lois Lane, no contest.
She’s tough, an army brat and has faced numerous villains over the years.
Even pre-superman she was an investigative reporter, racing into dangerous situations for a story.
She’d kick MJ’s ass.
MJ cause Lois Lane sucks and she doesnt really have to fight. Her man is superman, hes always there. She has some kinda danger ring that she presses and WHAM, Super Man there to save the day. Plus MJ is hotter so Mj FTW. and i agreewith with Ricco a better Lois pic is necessary.
Lois, I prefer burnetts. Plus army brat, etc. Think MJ would be too high strung to deal with.
Redheads from NY have a tendency to be crazy awesome in fights, i mean just look at Rorschach.
I know who I’m voting for.
As long as there’s a baby pool filled with mud (or possibly Jell-O) involved, I don’t care who wins.
Way to use the most unflattering picture of Lois EVER
Quick question: has there been any story lines were either one has been more then a way for the authors to put the heroes in “normal” couple situations? Sure they hit the bad guy over the head with whatever’s handy just long enough to distract him so her boyfriend can win, or throw that piece of kriptonyte out of harms way, but have they been anything other then talking, walking (danger seeking in the case of Lois) Achilles Hill for their boyfriends?
Comic books’ definition of the super-hero girlfriend: “the thing that makes any hero weak”. Forget Kryptonite, Lois is Supes fatal weakness…
Mary Jane is a former stripper from Queens. Army chick or no army chick, this fight is not as imbalanced as one might think…
I’m sorry to lower the level of the discussion, but that illustration doesn’t make it look like the ladies are getting ready to FIGHT, but rather another interpersonal interaction…
Matthew Peterson: Why does that make me smile?
Ricco: Is there any normal girlfriend/wife you actually like? Cause you make it seem like there are some normal GF/wives that you don’t hate. Just curious.
Maximus: I suspect it’s your Y Chromosome in action…
As for Lois’s pic, Stephen didn’t want anyone thinking we’re favoring one company over another. :D
Hubba hubba zoot zoot!
@MaximusRift: Sue Dibny, Joan (Jay’s wife), William (human boyfriend to Kelda the Asgardian), Pepper Potts, Alana patel (the Plutonian’s girl), Madeline Warner (Dynamo 5), Sharon Carter…
All good non powered girlfriends/wives to heroes/supers.
MJ is by far hotter, but Lois would spank her. Is that a bad thing?
I just realised that may have come out wrong, those are all wives/girlfriends/boyfriends that have good storylines attached to them or are simply indering/lovable.
I doesn’t help when you put up a semi-realistic picture of MJ and the Bruce Timm version of Lois Lane…
I haven’t read New Krypton (yet). What happened to Lois … ?
My Marvel bias aside, MJ always secretly loved the nerd Peter Parker the full while knowing his secret identity. (If that’s still in continuity…). Lois Lane dissed Clark for YEARS.
Adam Hughes vs Bruce Timm? Hmmmm.
Come on Stephen.
Lois Lane RULES!!!!She’s an army brat,she also got the looks of a supermodel,she can signal BOTH Superman AND the Justice League when needed,has a good job,even Lex Luthor,Bruce Wayne AND Mr.Myzxptl respect her,her evil anti matter twin got the same powers as Supergirl.There no way MJ can match that,except in the cooking department.When it come to cooking,Lois sucks big time.
Red Heads are too emotional and sloppy, Brunettes fight smart and a little dirty. Besides Lois Lane doesn’t have a statue of her doing Superman’s dirty laundry in a bucket.