Things are all wrapped up at the New York Comic Con, but we’ve another rapid-fire roundup of items from the New York Comic Con.
- The final DC panel kicked off with talks of the economy and the rising cost of comics as print publishing continues to tumble to obscurity.
- Dan DiDio polled the audience, and the general consensus was readers don’t care if the artist on the cover matched the artist on the inside.
- Are you a Barry and Hal, or a Wally and Kyle?
- DiDio reiterated what was said in the Marvel panel earlier; event comics are selling, which means readers are going to see more of them.
- Every time I go through the checkout line at the grocery store, I am besieged by Archie Comics in digest form. Should DC do the same thing with its kids line of comics? Seems like a fair enough question and a pretty good idea.
It’s a very short summary, but it wasn’t really a panel that featured a lot of announcements, rather feedback from the fans. Plus, it’s been a long weekend, and I’m tired.
If you want to hear all of the DC panels, be sure to head over to iTunes and download them all from the Official DC Comics Podcast.