Here’s your roundup of DC Comics news filtering out of the first day of the New York Comic Con 2009.
- There were mixed reactions from fans when Dan Didio asked who liked Final Crisis. There were quite a few boos reported by the bloggers at the DC Nation Panel.
- A new Animal Man series is on the way, not sure if it will be written by grant morrison or not. NOTE: morrison had to cancel his appearance at the show due to a family situation.
- Starfire will appear in Titans.
- All Star Batman is not canceled.
- No new All Star books are planned. That’s the same story we heard last year, and if I’m not mistaken the year before that.
- James Robinson stated last year that there were no plans for a new Starman series, but he mentioned this go around that there is a new Shade origin project in the works.
- If you didn’t pick up Legion of 3 Worlds #3, you missed the return of Bart Allen. Bart will be seen quite often in The Flash: Rebirth.
- Aquaman returned in Final Crisis #7, apparently he will also be seen in Blackest Night.
- Did Hawkman and Hawkgirl die in Final Crisis? You’ll have to check out Blackest Night #0 to find out. Considering Kal-L and Martian Manhunter will wield the undead ring, it wouldn’t surprise if Hawkman and Hawkgirl join the fray.
- There was a “Maybe” answer given to the question on if Max Mercury would return. Maybe? MAYBE!? With the return of nearly every Speedster returning to the land of the living, that maybe should be a resounding “Yes!” followed immediately by “We’re also bringing back Johnny Quick”. Oh, wait. Blackest Night is on the way… that explains everything… never mind…
- There are plans for more New Gods stories. Hopefully not written by grant morrison.
- Is Ted Kord returning?  …. wait for it… Blackest Night… Ah, crap.
- Apparently DC learned its lesson with Superman Beyond #1 and #2 3D, and promise no more 3D books … for now.
- grant morrison will return to the Batman title in June… ah crap…
- No plans for Libra at this time. This should make some people “happy”.
- No President Obama in the DC Universe either. Didn’t Didio see the clip of Obama saying he liked Batman? The President is practically begging to be in a DC comic.
- Greg Rucka will be on Detective comics for at least 14 issues.
- DC does have plans for a limited weekly series, featuring a storyline readers are very familiar with.
- If you are looking for Superman in the next year, you’ll only see him in World of New Krypton.
- The Superman/Batman series will still continue, although with Batman trapped in the past, and Superman only appearing in World of New Krypton, it’s unclear if Batman and Superman will appear in their own joint title.
- If Superman is only going to appear in World of New Krypton, why is he showing up in Adventure Comics?
- Mike Carey and Peter Gross have a new creator owned series coming from Vertigo called Unwritten, that follows the life of a boy who inspired a famous character written by his father. Apparently it is similar to Christopher Robin Milne’s appearance in Winnie the Pooh.
- The first issue arrives in May and is priced at $1.00! WOOT! 32-ages $1.00, sign me up!
- Air #7 will also cost at dollar. Perhaps DC/Vertigo is taking a stand against the $3.99 pricing of other issues.
- Constantine meets a new love interest in a tale written by Peter Milligan. It was also indicated that Shade the Changing Man would appear in the Hellblazer series.
- Fabio Moon and Gabrial Ba are teaming up for Daytripper, a story that follows a son coming to grips with his father, a famous author in Brazil. Do I sense a theme going on at Vertigo?
- Unknown Soldier #7 will be a jumping on point for new readers.
- The story of the Invisible Man gets updated in The Nobody, arriving in May.
- 100 Bullets #100 will be 33 pages long.
- Neal Adams, Sergio Aregones, Eric Powel and Ralph Reesee will all provide art for House of Mystery #13.
- Mike Kaluta will take on the art duties for Madame Xanadu for five issues beginning with issue #11.
- Expect a lot of nudity and killing in Scalped #25, which the company claims is a good jumping on point for new readers.
- Vertigo Original Graphic Novels Announced:
- Cuba: One Story
- How to Understand Israel in Sixty Days or Less
- Luna Park
- Greek Street
- Is a deluxe hardcover the same as an Absolute edition? No? Damn, that’s bad news for Preacher fans.
- Absolute Death is coming, however, and will include the Death Talks About Life AIDS story from 1993.
- Bill Willingham sent along a note to be read during the Vertigo panel:
Karen –
Don’t let Shelly give all the great Fables crossover secrets away at the panel. You know how nervous she gets speaking in public and how she has to hit the bottle for four or five belts beforehand. Definitely don’t let her reveal that Jack will be sneaking back into the “Fables” book, or that Snow and Bigby will be exiled to Jack’s book. And we definitely don’t want her to blab about the new Jack Frost and his relation to our current Jack, or what happens when Jack ends up babysitting Bigby and Snow’s cubs.
Basically, Karen, don’t let Shelly say anything.
-Bill Willingham.
More news later as we get it.
How on Earth is Superman not going to be in a book entitled, “Superman” ?
Geeeez, will you guys shut up about Morrison? Learned their lesson? what does that even mean? 3D is old fashioned campy fun, like decoding the secret code in Bill Batson.
DiDio barely got out of there alive, or with a grudging shred of respect. check the last part of my post on the 1st day.
i listen to your podcasts, and sometime i can’t get your theme song out of my head.
then also if superman is only appearing in New Krypton what about Justice League for both him and batman / if they are not going to be in there stop them in the book / mean what u say DC
Dylan: When I say learned their lesson about 3D, it’s not a dig about morrison, but rather DC recognizing the 3D camp wasn’t well received.
I read your review Stephen of Final Crisis 7 before reading my copy, and you hit the nail on the head.
Shove Grant Morrison out a window DC, and make the world a better place. Final Crisis pushed me over the edge on Morrison. Boo… Hiss…
“an Didio asked who liked Final Crisis. There were quite a few boos reported by the bloggers at the DC Nation Panel.” What should he have expected is Didio drinking the Kool-Aid?
Well at least I’ll be spending less money from know on if Grant Morrisons is credited in the comic… off my pull list.
See Captain America
Grant Morrison still has a lot of good books under his belt. All Star Superman wasn’t that long ago. FC sucked, but the guy can still write.
Unfortunately, a writer is only as good as his latest work. morrison has a long way to go to redeem himself in the eyes of his fans. Perhaps morrion will redeem himself when he returns to Batman in June.
3D is not “old-fashioned”. If you listen to the movie people, it’s “going to do for cinema what color did for tv!” Blargh. I already wear glasses, so will I have to wear glasses over my glasses? I’ll keep 3D for _reality_ please.
I think Morrison needs to do some original characters for awhile. He should stick with Vertigo for a couple of years. Other that Allstar Superman, his work with major characters hasn’t been in his best.
I’m actually considering dropping Batman. That’s something I thought I would never do. That should tell you what I think of Grant Morrison and his “brilliance”.
I normally frown on that type of behavior, but I though it was great that Dan Didio got booed when he mentioned Final Crisis. Hopefully Geoff Johns will retcon that story out of existeence.
Regarding the Morrison comments; so is this a news piece or an Op/Ed piece? Because it can’t be both you know. Way to be professional, Mr. Schleicher, injecting your own opinions into bits of actual information.
But Major Spoilers never really offered anything unique or interesting anyways, so I don’t think it’s such a bad thing when I say I don’t ever feel like visiting this site again.
Thanks for visiting preston. Too bad you didn’t enjoy your stay. And yes, you can have opinionated news – just look at Fox. :P
Wow… Anal bent much? Are you really that picky about how you see the info? Cause if that’s the case, you must hate going to any other site’s that actually try to be funny and show their thoughts in their posts instead of copying and pasting what they see in everyone else’s news breaks.
Julian: Preston wouldn’t be the first morrison lover we’ve pissed off – to each his own. If he wants to come back, he’s more than welcome, but if he decides to leave that’s fine too. Some people do tend to get too wrapped up in the “seriousness” of comics. I wonder what Preston thinks of other sites mocking Rob Liefeld? Or is it just grant morrison that is off limits? Having a sense of humor will get people a long way in this world.
Preston’s kind of people make the discussions too nit-pickety anyways. G.R.2.B.R. (good riddance etc.)
Actually, I thought 7 Soldiers of Victory was brilliant. I haven’t read any of Final Crisis, but if it is like 7 Soldiers, then I will be happy.
I must say though I have been reading Legion of 3 Worlds…awesome (in a different way, more fan boy-ish, which I like too).