Oh boy, if there was ever a weird sci-fi mini-series, that turned into a full blown series, that featured alien Nazi Reptilians invading Earth, and rounding up humans for food, and was then canceled after one season, it would have to be V. ABC has given a greenlight nod to a remake of the series that had audiences glued to their television screens in the 1983.
The new “V” centers on Erica Evans, a Homeland Security agent with an aimless son. When the aliens arrive, her son gloms on to them — causing tension within the family.
I wonder if the Nazi theme will pop up again, or if all of that will be swept under the table. I for sure want to see red jumpsuits and aliens eating live rodents. No word if Robert Englund will make an appearance and rip his human face off to reveal our new lizard overlords.
I would be excited about this, but since Kenneth Johnson isn’t involved, I’m very skeptical of the quality. At least he’s still trying to make it a big budget feature.
From Kenneth Johnson’s site:
ABC and Warners TV continue to develop a reimagined version of V for a
possible episodic TV series, with which Kenny is not involved. This does not affect Kenny’s
ongoing efforts to remake his original classic as a major motion picture.
Kenny’s prime desire is to bring big-screen production values to the new V movie while carefully
protecting the timeless story, the characters, quality, integrity and substance that make his
original V such a favorite of worldwide audiences and a critically acclaimed, international landmark.
I know originality is a bad word in Hollywood and the TV networks, but are they really gonna remake EVERYTHING with any remote succes now?
I loved this show as a kid. Of course, I didn’t really understand this show as a kid. I just knew that there were aliens that looked like lizards that ate rodents (and a canary, if I remember correctly) that were disguised as people and trying to take over the planet.
OMG! It’s the inspiration for Marvel’s Secret Invasion!
The Nazi theme was pretty much dropped by the second mini-series in favor of standard sci-fi action/adventure. The ongoing series had too many problems to note and it never found its legs.
I’ve still got most (all?) of this on that new technology called vhs video tape. I may have to break it out again and watch.
It they keep to the orig theme it should be great with some of todays up and coming actors with a few old timers thrown in. But i think that the new Hollywood will distroy it. Nazi’s are no longer in vogue. Most young people would not know what was happening.
The new wave is to forget what made the orig movie / series / TV program so good and try to be topical. We just saw the failure of the remake of War of the Worlds and The Day The Earth Stood Still. Even though whole sale globle distruction is still an issue, some clown wasted film and money to shoot a green movie that once the word got out killed the film.
I hope that if they do re-make this great series they stay true to thte orig.