This is probably the best Monday morning news that I’ve seen in a while. Looks like ABC has given a pilot nod to Bill Willingham’s Fables. The show will be produced and written by Stu Zicherman and Raven Metzner. David Semel will direct the fairy tale series set in the mundy world.
“We set up a structure to allow any fairy tale character to show up in any one episode,” Metzner said.
The fairy tale characters will keep some of their trademark characteristics. For instance, Prince Charming will be handsome, while Big Bad Wolf will have to shave a four-day shadow from growing back every day.
But overall, “they are just like real people in the real world who live and breathe and look just like you and me,” Metzner said.
The writing team looks to be off to a good start as they are adapting the first story arc that follows Bigby and the rest of Fabletown investigate the apparent murder or Rose Red.
this could be awesome, but there’s no way they could do some of the arcs like the great “Good Prince” story line. Regardless I will not be missing this.
a great news on a crappy day at work. now i can suffer the rest of my day happy.
Fables is by far my favorite comic book series ever. i’ll buy and watch anything remotely connected to it. this series can’t come soon enough
This rocks!!!
Please dont mess it up ABC
I think they could do the entire first arc (Who Killed Rose Red) and make it compelling, entertaining television.
The more exotic characters may be tough to do within a budget but everyone already knows the characters.
I’m stoked.
if willingham is working even remotely on the show, i’m pretty sure they’ll make something decent. as long as they don’t fall in a formula like almost every show on TV right now, it can’t be bad.
I hope at least Willingham has some say as to who gets cast, while unknowns are probably the way to go. Yes, no?
I’d say some of the attraction to the execs is that they can use any public domain characters they want. I’d love to see it as long as it’s good, but I worry that PC will cause them to perhaps start introducing fables from other cultures just to be multicultural. I’ve only read, and enjoyed, the odd copy I’ve found at the library so I don’t know if it necessarily sticks to Brothers grimm stuff. I was stumped awhile abck when I couldn’t work out who the black “sam” fable was, till it was explained to me.
If they cover the farm rebellion issues then I expect censorship when it comes time to execute the ringleaders, by which I mean the 3 little pigs.
I almost forgot. I look forward especially to the Great Adversary and his army. Again, I’ve only seen a few issues and have read of how it works out.
I think that Bryan Fuller could make this show work. His work on Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies shows that he would be the perfect head-writer for this show. Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies) could even be “Prince Charming”.