Arriving in stores this week is the second installment of the Broken Trinity series from Top Cow. The series has the connection between the Witchblade, The Darkness and The Angelus broken, only to be rejoined by all new artifacts.
Top Cow has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek of the issue, that you can see after the jump.
Broken Trinity #2
(W) Ron Marz       (A) Stjepan Sejic          (Cov) Stjepan Sejic, Dale Keown, Marc Silvestri
The earth-shattering saga revolving around the three main players of the Top Cow Universe continues! The paths of the Witchblade, The Darkness and The Angelus converge on New York City once more.
By the end of Broken Trinity, a new balance of power will be forged as new players are introduced and at least one established character will be gone forever. The team of Marz and Sejic that dazzled you with First Born and their ongoing adventures on Witchblade is back to change the face of the Top Cow Universe one more time in spectacular fashion!
Cover A – Stjepan Sejic
Covers B,C – Dale Keown
Cover D – Marc Silvestri
Full Color     32 pages       $2.99          Limited Series