Well there you go. The once Image Universe Presidential Candidate Savage Dragon has officially endorsed Barack Obama. This will be a 1:5 variant cover to Savage Dragon #137, that arrives September 3, 2008.
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Stephen Schleicher
Stephen Schleicher began his career writing for the Digital Media Online community of sites, including Digital Producer and Creative Mac covering all aspects of the digital content creation industry. He then moved on to consumer technology, and began the Coolness Roundup podcast. A writing fool, Stephen has freelanced for Sci-Fi Channel's Technology Blog, and Gizmodo. Still longing for the good ol' days, Stephen launched Major Spoilers in July 2006, because he is a glutton for punishment. You can follow him on Twitter @MajorSpoilers and tell him your darkest secrets...
I hear the Red Skull is also endorsing Obama. Make of that as you will.
Really, this is incredibly retarded. Comic Book Characters endorsing real world candidates is incredibly silly.
At least it gives me a comic book related reason to vote for McCain…
rolf! and ditto
I hear Five Plane McCain wants to choose Dr. Doom for his VP, but he declined saying that he already holds that position under Chimpy Bush.
if we have learned anything when comics get to political unless that is there goal it takes away from characters and more often then not creates bad stories Marvel Civil War comes to mind. That was going to have fair play for both sides but it didn’t because the writers own political feelings got in the way of the stories. Its human and I don’t think there is anything wrong with being political but not everything has to be Democrats good Republicans bad or vis versa. This kind of thing will keep going on but more often than not I see it as the writer putting himself and his own agenda ahead of the characters that they write for and that is rarely is the best interest of those characters.
They’re still putting out Savage Dragon?
If they are going to do this, they ought to also have a 1:5 cover supporting McCain. That way he’ll be able to say he supported the winner, no matter who wins.
I guess I’ve been reading Mad Magazine too long.
I think the only thing this will accomplish is for savage dragon to loose conservative readership.
I think Larsen’s probably just one of those people that is so immersed in his own little world that he forgets that not everyone agrees with him or his political views … a trend which is disturbingly evident when you get too far out into either side’s ‘fringe,’ and is even more pronounced when dealing with folks who think themselves celebrities.
Or maybe he doesn’t care if anyone agrees with him and is still putting himself out on a limb because he wants to raise awareness for his views because it is important to him and he has this venue available to him.
I guess I could see that option if a) he wasn’t a business owner and didn’t owe it to his co-owners and any stockholders involved to not potentially alienate 50% of their readers, and b) people weren’t already ‘aware’ that Barack Obama was running for President …
Actually, John McCain has been endorsed by both the Yellow Kid and Buster Brown. So he’s got that going for him, which is nice.
Not to dis previous posters (but seriously Cory, your post is a tad offensive), but I think this site should be reserved to commenting on comics. Even if Larsen did it. It is right as a creator. But I don’t think its appropriate to get into the presidential debate in this forum. We argue enough about comics. Just my opinion…
@ Brother: agreed.
Starting now.
Here’s my take on it all:
Larsen pretty much does whatever the hell Larsen wants. It’s kind of the point of Image, actually.
If anyone is swayed by what Erik Larsen says (or, perish forbid, what the Savage Drag-Queen has to say) then at least we have one more person involved in the political process.
Government “by the people, for the people, and of the people” must, by definition, include everyone, and as the late Mr. Carlin once opined, “Picture the stupidest #@&$er you know. Now, remember, half of the people in the world are stupider than that!”
The fact that Mr. Carlin was right makes me 1) glad that a large portion of the populace stays home on Election Day, and 2) think that some sort of basic ‘This is where this candidate stands on these issues’ test needs to be implemented so that the voters who do show up can demonstrate that they actually know who and what they’re voting for …
But, that’s probably just me.