I’m in the process of cleaning out the Major Spoilers Toy Closet (something that is taking forever). The toy collection goes back nearly 20 years and contains a variety of figures (some are for sale), and I’m constantly amazed at the number of different styles a particular character can take.
This brings me to…
Yes, take the jump and see all the Darkseid incarnations.
I’m not sure why I picked up this figure, as this is one ugly rendition. He just looks really “slow”.
My current favorite Darkseid figure – I love that it captures Kirby’s style.
I kid, I kid… geez…
My second favorite Darkseid figure – he arrived before the Kirby Darkseid, and even starred in one of the Major Spoilers come back comics. Don’t know what a Major Spoilers Come Back Comic is? Oooohhhh… maybe a kind soul saved the image and can send it to you.
For some reason, I always think of Darkseid as referring to himself in third person.
I never understood why Darkseid has to wear a dress…Â I know, I know, It’s not a dress, it’s a TUNIC!
Heh… I dare Jon aver at Double Dumb Ass on You to make this his banner for a whole week.
I also have the rare “white-face” Justice League Darkseid, still in the original packaging…. WOoooWHOooo!
See, what Stephen Schleicher means? everything is just funnier when a character refers to himself in third person. Stephen is happy you agree.
Worst figure ever! EVER I SAY!
With apologies to The Bastardly.
Darkseid not happy!
Does that minimate have…nipples?
I can no longer look at Mini-Mate Darkseid without seeing nipples. Thanks.
I second the notion. Mini-Darkseid has funky man-boobs.
I was just impressed that the second Darkseid managed to swipe the toy Infinity Gauntlet from the toy Thanos … Darkseid did what the entire toy Marvel Universe couldn’t.
No, Mini-Darkseid is wearing a joke tunic with a woman’s breasts on it. He got it at Spencer’s Gifts & Tunics. Kalibak cracks up every time he sees it! Don’t ever say Darkseid doesn’t have a good sense of humor.
Man, I used to have an oversized 80s “Super Powers” Darkseid with the translucent band on the top of his head that let his eyes glow….
What in the hell is up with the pinchy-arm attachment? Why do toy manufacturers continue to put out action figures with crap like that?
@ Roy:
It was the 90s. Do I have to explain?