You may have noticed your comments appearing a lot faster than normal – like right away for most of you. The reason is this; Akismit has done an excellent job separating the spam from the real comments, and to encourage you to comment more often, I’ve turned off moderation for anyone who already has a comment approved on the site.
For those who have never commented, you still go into moderation stasis until it is approved, but after that you should be good to go.
Going unmoderated does not mean the higher ups aren’t keeping a watchful eye on comments. The same rules still apply – be polite, even if you disagree. Make your comments meaningful. Syaing something sucks does not make it so, justify your reasoning. Those that make the Major Spoilers world turn still have the ability to delete comments, or place those that are being Forum Trolls on the ban list.
Speaking of Forum Trolls, the above image comes from Scott Johnson and his Sketch-a-Day project. You can find all his sketches here.
And here I was just thinking my mutant power finally manifested at age 33…..
Statements made by Major Spoilers that indicate mutant powers may manifest upon regular commenting on this site have not been proven by the FDA.
I haven’t picked up an issue of Forum Troll since the 90s, I just didn’t like the whole love triangle with him, Grammar Nazi and Flamer