DC Comics web comic imprint Zuda Comics will go live next week. October 30 is the launch date according to Richard Bruning, DC Comics Creative Director, SVP.
With the launch of the site, visitors will immediately begin to shape and define the Zuda experience. Online submissions will begin, allowing aspiring web comics creators to submit their work directly to the Zuda editorial team. The Zuda web community will be invited to vote on the first ever Zudacomics.com competition, choosing one from the ten webcomics offerings. In addition, all visitors will be able to read the first ever Zudacomics.com Instant Winner, which will have been selected by Zuda editorial in preparation for the launch.
The company will also be holding a launch party for the site that evening from 5:30 – 6:30 at Lansdowne Road, 599 10th Avenue, New York, NY. You must be 21 years or older.
via DC Comics