Karkoush has done it! He’s finished his trilogy of Batman films with Batman: Return of the Dark Knight! Heap your praises true believers! That major motion picture due out next summer has nothing on this Dark Knight film!
After the events of the epic “Batman: Defenders of the Night” and its sequel, “Batman and Robin: Dark Betrayals”, the dynamic duo feel like their work is done and that they are no longer needed. However, as crime begins to rise and the Joker goes on a murderous rampage, the time comes for Batman to return to Gotham City!!!!!
With that many exclamation points, it must be pretty intense!!!!!!
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If I had to choose one work to describe Batman: Return of the Dark Knight, it would have to be, “Cubans!”
While Batman: Dark Betrayals was this series’ ‘Empire Strikes Back’, Return of the Dark Knight is it’s ‘Jedi’. A few too many attempts to be funny or deliberately cute at the expense of the story.
There are some good laughs in this picture, none of which come from the Joker. Go Figure.
I expected a little more gravity given the seriousness of the second film, and what was with most of the action taking place during the day? I really enjoyed the moody lighting of Dark Betrayals. I guess it was a creative decision to take the film in a different direction than it predecessor, but it didn’t work for me.
Some nice urban location shooting occurred prior to the showdown at the end, but again it was all in broad daylight and had none of the mood of the prior film.
Robin suffers from Carrie Fisher circa ‘Jedi’ syndrome and seemed to phone in his performance, but Batman was consistent and dead-on throughout.
Perhaps a prequel or two is in order sans Robin.
Alfred finally makes his appearance in this film and man oh man is it worth the wait! Simply the best performance in the film. Apparently in the five years since Bats retired Alfred has gone to work in the corner cubicle at Dunder Mifflen.
I was disappointed that Jim (Manos) Gordon didn’t reappear, as he was one of the high points of Dark Betrayals
Some high points included the scene in crime alley, and Bruce discussing the financial problems at the company with Mister Rudy. “Your major products last year were smoke grenades and grappling hooks.” Priceless. And of course the unnamed woman who trashes Bruce over the phone,”…stop calling me, you loser.”
Poison Gas Whoopee Cushion…
And it cracked me up that The Joker shops at Walgreens.
Some really funny moments and great location shots couldn’t make up for the weaker story.. Alfred’s appearance and a few good jokes help Batman: Return of the Dark Knight achieve 3 out of a possible 5 stars.