Oni Press has slipped Major Spoilers a massive 27 page preview of the upcoming Black Metal graphic novel by Rick Spears and Chuck B.B.
Take the jump to check it out!
BLACK METAL is the story of Sam and Shawn, misunderstood twins with a mysterious lineage and a penchant for the darkest metal. Though daily plagued by the rituals of the normal; school, shopping trips to the mall, and little brothers, the boys endeavor to stay true to the blackness in their souls. When they acquire the new Frost Axe album, their true destiny is revealed: they are the Roth incarnate.
Empowered by the legendary sword of Atoll, these kids are determined to thrash and wail on however many demons they have to in order to fulfill the ancient prophecy and regain their rightful position as Hell Baron of the Pit. Loud, fast and heavy like the music it is inspired by, BLACK METAL ties into the youth culture that has grown up around this ferocious sound. Then infused with a shot of ancient myth and a healthy dose of high adventure, it rises to the level of a truly epic tale.
Black Metal is 160 pages, black and white, and ships in August for $11.95.
1 Comment
Very nice style – very similar to Penny Arcade’s look with a touch of Ben Caldwell (Action Cartooning) thrown in.