Marvel has sent Major Spoilers a preview of the upcoming Civil War Wolverine cross over. I’ve always dug Ramos artwork, so this one is a definite buy. Take the jump for more pages and possible spoilers.
(from Marvel)
First Nitro, then Namor, now Wolverine picks a fight with the returning cult favorite Damage Control. After being tipped off about a shadowy connection to the Stamford disaster, Logan completes his Civil War vendetta by taking the fight to Damage Control.
Damage Control was a group relegated to cleaning up disasters caused by super humans. But evidence today is pointing to them causing disasters, not cleaning them up. Wolverine is convinced that they played a part in the Stamford disaster and he’s taking no prisoners.
It’s the penultimate chapter of “Vendetta” so pick up Wolverine #46 because Logan’s quest for vengeance is sure to end in a fury of claws and blood.
WOLVERINE #46 (JUL062004)
Pencils & Cover by HUMBERTO RAMOS
32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$2.99
FOC – 8/31, On Sale – 9/20/2007