This week, we’re running a bit behind on the myriad of things that need to be done. If you haven’t been to the Major Spoilers Forums, today is a great day to head on over and join the community of people having discussions far and wide. This week’s poll of the week comes directly from the Major Spoilers Forum.
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Hey, cool! You guys put my topic on as poll of the week! Must be a sign of the Apocalypse. For the sake of the P.O.W. you have to tell me, did Hellboy suggest it to you or Spawn?
I voted Hellboy because I’m a little bit more of a fan of a demon acting like a human than a human acting like a demon.
4 words: Right. Hand. of. Doom!
Then again Spawn’s power were always whatever the Helll the writer needs him to have to save the day, much like Witchblade…
I voted for Hellboy because his movies were way better! However, I think the Undertaker would bring on a way cooler Apocalypse!
Hellboy would bring about the apocalypse faster (read on accident) then punch it out and save the day.
Since the question is who wouid bring on the Apocalypse faster, I had to go with Spawn. I don’t like Spawn, I prefer Hellboy. But it seems to me that Spawn would bring it on after getting pissed off and/or not caring enough to stop it. Hellboy has been about him doing pretty much everything possible to not fulfill his destiny and not be the harbinger.
And haven’t there been an Apocalypse or three in Spawn already?
Went the same route. Hellboy beats Spawn hand down (see what I did there?), but that’s one of the reasons why Spawn’s Malebolgia or whatever the villain is these days would take over the Earth.
Honestly, I haven’t read either. But from the little bit I’ve seen I think Hellboy would because it seems like Spawn doesn’t do much other than dramatic poses.
Spawn wins for he has already brought the apocalypse on the the comics collecting and movie going populace.
Didn’t Spawn already bring about an Apocolypse already in his title?
Spawn has done this already I believe so he wins by default?
I agree with Ricco, Spawns gratest power is being able to do whatever he can to win as long as the writer puts it in the book. If a shill for Hellboy is writing the bokk, then Hellboy wins. anybody else writing that looks at Spawns abilities will know it is no contest with Spawn left.
Besides he was specificly trained to brin this about. Hellboy was raised out of that world sort of.
I would vote for neither one and go with the Cubs winning the World Series or Sarah Palin as president.
I would say Hellboy because he’s more likely to do it against his will/ by accident and deal with the consequences.
Spawn wouldn’t because it’d upset the status quo of his comic book world…
This poll was by far one of the biggest headscratchers for me. Kudos!