The Hollywood Reporter has the exclusive news on a lawsuit dropped on Robert Kirkman by The Walking Dead collaborator Tony Moore.
This is one of the reasons why friends shouldn’t do business with one another, as Moore claims he was duped into assigning his interest in the Walking Dead to Kirkman, and hasn’t seen the money come flooding in like he expected it to.
Moore claims that in 2005, Kirkman and his agents devised a scheme to fraudulently induce him to assign his copyright interests over to Kirkman’s company. Moore, who grew up with Kirkman and worked together on several projects, claims he signed a deal granting him 60 percent of “Comic Publishing Net Proceeds” in connection with Walking Dead and another project called Brit; 20 percent of “motion picture net proceeds” in connection with Walking Dead and Brit; and 50 percent of “motion picture net proceeds” from another project called Battle Pope.
The scheme apparently revolved around Kirkman claiming the AMC deal wouldn’t go through unless Moore assigned the interest and other works to Kirkman. Of course Kirkman’s attorney says the case is “frivolous”, and that is why it is going to court.
“… gotta poop!”
So I watched the TV show Sunday night with my kids, and guess what I said out loud every time I saw his name on the screen? My kids had no clue about where this came from but they cracked up every time. Thanks Matthew!
I have to admit, I came in to post the same thing J_Michael_T did.
It’s a classic!
So much for creator owned titles being safe eh? It’s like comic law suit week.
The whole point of the creator owned paradigm championed by Image was to make sure creators didn’t get screwed over by OTHER PEOPLE. Creator owned is never going to be able to stop two co-creators from screwing EACH OTHER over.