If you are as blown away by how much better reading a digital comic on the new iPad from Apple is, your mind is about to be blown again with the announcement that even higher quality digital editions are on the way from ComiXology.
According to an article at MacWorld, ComiXology is about to release a new version of their Comics App that will feature comics in the CMX-HD format. These comics are higher resolution editions that take advantage of the Retina display of the new iPad. I did a side by side comparison of the iPad 2 and new iPad resolutions, and was stunned by how much better the image was, especially in the fine line areas of digital comics.
The best news is it won’t cost any more money to download comics in the CMX-HD format. If you already own a comic from ComiXology, you’ll be prompted to re-download the higher quality version for free. Future CMX-HD comics will not cost more than any others, and ComiXology CEO David Steinberger estimates that 90-percent of the titles in the ComiXology library will be updated to the CMX-HD format, with all new comics coming out in the new hi-res format.