Browsing: DC

It must be pretty wonderful to work at Google.  All day long you work on things that you love, you try not to do evil, and you get to hear guest lectures from some of the most famous people in the world.  Paul Levitz was invited to speak at Google last month to talk about comics and the Legion of Super-Heroes.

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Booster Gold has the disease Chronal Leprosy. With such a disturbing illness, he has to ask himself some questions: What’s going to happen? Can someone help me? Where, and more importantly, when can I go to get help? Oh, and above all else, what is Chronal Leprosy? Find out after the jump.

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Here’s another look at the Green Lantern costume worn (virtually) by Ryan Reynolds in the upcoming Warner Bros. flick. There’s been a lot of talk recently regarding the costume, and since it seems to be a sticking point for many of you, here it is again.  Do the details of the costume matter? While some of us may be put off by the visible toes, and the general organic nature of the costume, the bottom line is the costume should let viewers know right away that this is Green Lantern.  My nearly four-year-old son saw this picture on the RSS…

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Batman Live has arrived, at least as far as the press is concerned, and the adage of “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” seems to be in full swing between to the two rival comic publishers.  Except Batman Live isn’t a musical… Faithfully adapted from the DC Comics characters and stories, BATMAN LIVE focuses on Robin’s quest for justice, which leads him to follow in the footsteps of his hero, the mysterious vigilante known as the Batman – much to the dismay of his protective guardian, millionaire Bruce Wayne – who secretly happens to be Batman. This dynamic triangle…

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What happens when Superman gets drunk, and Lex Luthor takes over the airwaves? Clark Kent Has A Dream (episode 4) – watch more funny videos Green Lantern is played by Matthew gray Gubler of Criminal Minds fame.

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DC Comics sent Major Spoilers the cover images and solicitation information for titles arriving in July 2011.  If you thought Batman had a lot of titles, take a look at the books coming out of Flashpoint.

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According to the Hollywood Reporter, Josh Pence (The Social Network) has been cast as a young Ra’s al Ghul in the upcoming Dark Knight Rises.  For those wondering why Liam Neeson isn’t reprising the role, it’s because… well… he’s a bit too old to play a young Ra’s.  Pence will play the big bad that vexed Batman in Batman Begins in a series of flashbacks that occur during the movie. This may throw a wrench in the works for those who think they have the story nailed down as The Long Halloween doesn’t feature the villain at all in the…

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