Author: Robot Overlord

Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.

With the kingdom of the gods in ruins, Wonder Woman finds that only two remain, wounded and abandoned by one of their own! Take the jump for a sneak peek of Wonder Woman #774 from DC Comics.

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As the Shadowbreed makes their big move, Superman discovers what happened to the friend who originally sent the distress beacon that lured him and his son across the galaxy in this week’s Superman #32 from DC Comics.

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Alan Scott, the Green Lantern from the Justice Society of America, has noticed some of his allies are still missing in action, and he’s determined to find them, kicking off Infinite Frontier #1 from DC Comics.

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Batman and Mr. Worth are locked in a deadly duel involving a rocket launcher, a micro-cave subterranean system, and a whole lot of bloody knuckles in this sneak peek of Detective Comics #1038 from DC Comics.

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To thwart the apocalypse cascading across multiple realities, Batman and Superman must join forces with their counterparts and sojourn to strange lands in Batman/Superman #19 from DC Comics.

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As the Superman family fights to keep the mysterious refugees alive, they find shocking answers about their lost colony in this sneak peek of Action Comics #1032 from DC Comics.

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