Fletcher has successfully infiltrated enemy lines as a prisoner of war, but can he find his contact before the Black Baron finds him? Find out in Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #2 by Image Comics!

Writer: Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco
Artist: Jose Rafael Fonteriz and Carlos Pacheco
Colorist: Jose Villarrubia
Letterer: Tyler Smtih and Jimmy Betancourt
Editor: Kel Symons
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 23rd, 2022
Previously in Arrowsmith: Fletcher Arrowsmith is a flier in World War I and uses dragon magic to take to the skies! Since he knows a little about troll culture and its runes, he is sent to a top-secret mission behind enemy lines. After engaging in a battle, he intentionally gets knocked down to be arrested. Now he must find his contact and a method of escape.
Arrowsmith #2 starts with Arrowsmith’s journey to find his contact. He is questioned and sent to Swabia to go to a prison camp. He is initially sent to a medic world to check on his arm, and later, he meets some of the other officers who are here. We get a bit of information about a religious group called the Crux and the political situation in Wien, Tyrolia.
At the camp, the prisoners are visited by a man known as the Black Baron, who antagonizes them. A man named Edward Cornelius Howard challenges the Baron to a duel. As they take to the sky with their dragons, the Black Baron proves to not have any honor and uses dirty fighting to win. He kills Edward by breathing enough fire to turn Edward and his dragon into a skeleton to cement his victory. Fletcher is about to do something until he finds the contact he was sent to discover.
First, I have to mention how beautiful the art is in Arrowsmith #2. Every panel is detailed and engaging, and there is a ton of stuff to look at without it being too distracting. I especially like the interpretation of Baron Black. I could always see the emotions of the Baron on the page. On top of solid art, the writing was good too. We continue to increase the story’s tension and provide much-needed context about what is going on in the world. And now we have an antagonist that we can hate through the introduction of Baron Black. Great work here.
I haven’t pinpointed the theme yet. Usually, by the second issue, some significant points tell me what the story is about. But at the moment, it almost feels like a coming-of-age young adult story. But Fletcher seems a little old for that kind of plot. Hopefully, the theme will come to the forefront soon.
I really enjoyed Arrowsmith #2, and I think Kurt and Carlos have a firm grasp on this setting and these characters. I am thrilled to know the series was revived by them and picked up by Image Comics. I foresee this being a top series for 2022 and beyond. 4.5 out of 5 stars for Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #2.
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Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #2
Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #2 proves to be a well-written series that will be one to look out for in 2022.