Something has taken over Strange Academy! Can Calvin overcome Mister Misery before he destroys everyone? Find out in Strange Academy #12 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Skottie Young
Artist: Humberto Ramos
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Nick Lowe
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 25th, 2021
Previously in Strange Academy: Something odd is happening. Toth has been shattered into pieces and everyone is working hard to find every shard of him. The teachers and students also try to figure out what happened and luckily, Howard the Duck arrives to help with investigations. This led to finding one of Toth’s shards in Calvin’s jacket and forcing Mister Misery to reveal itself!
Strange Academy #12 opens with Doctor Voodoo and Howard the Duck fighting Mister Misery, but they must figure out how to stop him without hurting Calvin. Mister Misery reveals that he found his way to Calvin and fed on his pain and in return gave Calvin magic. Unfortunately, Toth figured out the truth and Mister Misery had to kill him. Doctor Voodoo and the students mobilize to try and fight the creature but is unable to defeat him.
Dessy tries a new tactic. She feeds Misery all of her pain and despair trying to overwhelm it. It doesn’t work until the other students help feed their worries and sadness. It is only then they are able to cause Mister Misery to burst with their emotion. Cavin is freed and he is comforted by his fellow students. When Toth is finally put back together, both Toth and Calvin share a sweet hug.
I missed a few issues of Strange Academy. I really like the concept of the Marvel magic school but somehow this fell under my radar recently, and I am sad it did. Strange Academy #12 had a lot of really great moments. It shows the raw unfiltered emotion of the adolescent figures that are foiled by their teachers. And in this case, that emotion was pain and hurt that many of these students go through. Visually, it was stunning watching Misery being defeated by the students banding together and I felt for Calvin every step of the way. I can’t imagine what this story would have been like if I have been caught up with the series.
I think there is something to say about support groups and having someone to rely on. For teenagers, this is a hard thing to grasp and often people push for this idea that you must do things alone. I wonder if Calvin would have been able to overcome Mister Misery if he was a little more confident. Regardless, it gives me something to think about.
This arc has come to a thrilling conclusion, and I am glad I picked up Strange Academy #12 this week. This comic has convinced me to go back and see what I may have missed in the storyline. Also why is Howard the Duck here? I feel like I missed that plot point. Stange Academy #12 is a 4 out of 5 from me and I’ll make sure to keep this on my reading list!
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Strange Academy #12 gives us the raw emotion of teenagers and how a little bit of support can help you overcome a lot of things.