The trial of the century heats up as the brutality of the accused is revealed and a surprise witness turns up. Your Major Spoilers review of Bliss #2 from Image Comics, awaits!
BLISS #2 (OF 8)
Writer: Sean Lewis
Artist: Caitlin Yarsky
Colorist: Caitlin Yarsky
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 26th, 2020
Previously in BlissL Perry is in the midst of a desperate attempt to defend the murderous actions of his father in front of an angry court full of the families of his victims.
Order, Order!
Bliss #2 opens up once again in the middle of a courtroom. The narrator continues to make the case for his father by telling the story of what it was like to grow up with his father. During this flashback we see that his father has been employed by the Gods of Docktown to carry out assassinations on those that would disrupt their hand in ruling the city. We see him take out a handful of people in various methods, extra time is given to show how the assassination of an up and coming politician is handled. After every hit the narrator’s father takes Bliss to help him forget what he had done. We also get to see scenes of the narrator as a child at home and the love he would receive from his father. Back at the trial, things are interrupted when one of the gods of Docktown arrives claiming he can speak on the narrator’s father’s behalf if he receives protection from his master, Lethe.
A Wonderful Piece of World-Building
While the plot of Bliss #2 basically boils down to a montage of past events and a bit of a twist at the end, where the issue really shines is how it continues to pull back the curtain on what kind of world this story is taking place in. While for the most part everything seems like a fairly normal and modern city (with a few exceptions being the courthouse and trial), with politicians and crime, it’s the presence of ancient gods that people are not surprised to know exist that really expands on this universe. So far, it’s one of the more interesting takes on “myth mixed with modernity” I’ve seen in a while. So often stories revolve around a conflict between old and new in this context, whereas Bliss has gone the route of integrating these aspects almost to the point of mundaneness. Also, the way the god asks for protection at the end opens the door to an interesting power dynamic between the gods and humans that I’m interested in seeing come to fruition.
Bottom Line: Pulled Me In For #3
While I didn’t think the first issue in the series was bad, it hadn’t fully grabbed my attention. Bliss #2 though managed to build on that introduction and expand the world in ways that now has truly piqued my interest. Pair that with a juxtaposition between some gruesome actions and touching moments and you have a well-constructed and though out comic book. 4 out of 5 stars
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Bliss #2
Bliss #2 expands on the first issue in smart ways that build the world up while putting the characters into place to move forward in interesting ways.